Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sultan Sandane Sheets


About ecoballe. We place the following interesting article by John Valentine on The Republic of 14.01.2008.

"The great dance of ecoballe Giovanni Valentini."
is already remarkable that a political party represented in Parliament, local government and even the national government decides to buy an advertising page in a newspaper not to spread his ideas and garner votes, but to defend themselves against accusations that are addressed. They did it the other day, the Greens with a "notice pay" for the Republic, to clarify what their "guilt" or better on the waste that - as the text reads - "so dishonest and instrumental many try to download "on loro.È a self that deserves to be taken into account, at least by those who want to understand - beyond the political and media manipulation - who are the real perpetrators of this environmental disaster and civil starting with the contractors that have guided dall'Impregilo determined. Given that "14 years from the law gives the Commissioner all the powers and special powers for emergency waste in Campania, the Greens at eight points summarize what they have done in the meantime: 1) have asked several times to dissolve a "structure commissioner ineffective and inadequate" that among other things, he squandered two billion euro of taxpayers, 2) countered the "bankrupt" plan for the disposal of waste that has produced five million ecoballe, 3) have reported consistently around the underworld of criminality and the penetration of eco-mafias in trafficking of waste, 4) have proposed a model of modern waste management , in line with European Directives, 5) have contributed to start the collection in more than 150 municipalities in Campania, 6) supported the actualization of the landfill controlled and operated in the region, that of Serre, 7) have obtained the possibility of Commons that the Commissioner will not make the collection; 8) and finally, have helped stop the perverse mechanism of the so-called CIP6, over 30 billion euro stolen from the renewable energy and for some powerful lobby industriali.Le only "fault" that the Greens are willing to admit, then, are some that have said no to businessmen, Camorra and eco-mafia "and, second, that of saying "yes to recycling and the health of citizens." And who in good faith, if you do not want to give credit, it must at least acknowledge it. The party of the Sun that would be good for laughs, rather, to reflect on their image, credibility and the ability to communicate, to see if in some cases did not sin of extremism or ceilings, compromising the effectiveness of its initiatives. What, then, the names of the real culprits? The same leader of the Greens, Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, in an interview with our newspaper last Wednesday, has made an explicit: that of Cesare Romiti. And he called the "wretched of the contract to Fibe Impregilo, the engineering and construction company which Romiti has retained control of Fiat after the release until 2005 and the presidency until 2006, which produced 5 million tons of Cesare Romiti ecoballe.Il name does not appear for the truth in the request for indictment filed by prosecutors in Naples for the process that would be open today and that was referred to the strike of lawyers. But on the other hand there are those of his two sons, Pier Giorgio and Paul, respectively, as a managing director and commercial director of Impregilo Fisia Italimpianti controlled by the same group. Together with other 26 persons, among which the former governor of Campania, Antonio Bassolino, the defendants are "in competition with each other and with multiple enforcement actions of the same criminal intention" of various crimes such as fraud, fraud, breach of contracts , storage Illegal waste and abuse of office. In 45 pages of the ruling, issued after an investigation lasting five years, there is a precise reconstruction - the date by date, digit by digit - the "puzzle" that initiated an emergency Campania ten years now. And though many crimes are likely to fall into the prescription, this will still be the first process the waste at the companies and Public Administration, where even the WWF will commence a civil action. Paradoxically, in addition to the presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Civil Defence, in the long list of injured parties appear in the same region, all provinces and municipalities of Campania.A begin the great scandal of commissioner of the trash ordinance is June 12, 1998, which were held the tender for the management and disposal of waste. Following the award all'Impregilo and subsidiaries, the contracts are signed June 7, 2000 and September 5, 2001. Entail an obligation to build seven production facilities of RDF (refuse derived fuel) to build two incinerators and manage them in accordance with the requirements of the legislation settore.Ebbene, on charges of Naples prosecutors, the defendants have submitted projects depart from the bid documents or have carried out installations of departures from the approved projects, in violation of contractual obligations. The brothers' Impregilo Romiti and other companies have produced quality cdr different from that agreed with a lower calorific value and moisture content above 25%, but above all with values \u200b\u200bof lead, chromium, arsenic and chlorine well beyond the specified limits. The compost was not appropriate to be used for environmental restoration. In many circumstances the contractors "have rejected or substantially delayed the delivery of municipal solid waste by truck for collection companies, thus forcing the special commissioner and the mayors to have the packaging and transportation of garbage in other Italian regions or to 'abroad. Often the transportation and landfill management have been outsourced, with the risk to feed the Camorra infiltration. And finally, the great dance of ecoballe: pending receipt of the incinerators, was not made to recover energy from bales cdr.Quanto Commissioner Antonio Bassolino, the deputy subcommissario Giulio Raffaele Vanoli and face, their guilt is essentially the failure to prevent this to happen in the performance of their duties. In the decision of the judiciary, he cites an extensive list of orders with which public administrators have allowed the breach of contract and the practice of subcontracting. Or at least, have not challenged and denunciate.È for all these reasons that Raffaele Raimondi, president emeritus of the Supreme Court, acting as judge and president of the Legal Committee for the Defence of the Environment, has recently submitted an appeal against the European Court of Impregilo environmental disaster. The prosecution, as it did in the cases of Marghera and Severus, is an attempt on the health of citizens. And the offense is more serious than those established by the Public Prosecutor of Naples, exceeding even the risks of prescription and the terms of pardon. "

Monday, January 21, 2008

Berlinwood Fingerboards On Sell

The country beyond the fruit

The other day while waiting my turn to buy bread, my friend entertained people who were lined up by saying that if you were go to a vote at this time, Berlusconi would win hands down. As if Berlusconi has the recipe to bring the country back from the brink. I omit what I responded to that person, but I tell you one thing that should now belong to the public mind. The policy has failed and the facts of our day to prove it. The deployment of any parties have failed, who claims otherwise is a hypocrite. Our country is now in its fruit, let's face it rather well even the fruit is over. We await with resignation the end only the rest we have already touched and seen, in many different ways and in all colors.
Here I report a symptomatic passage taken directly from the site of Beppe Grillo. For you comments and due consideration.
Public debt, private profits

The Government is what it is. Throw a living, while we pull the bucket. But he does a good purpose, to restore the Italian economy. We become poorer and the results for a better future, one can not deny, are before our eyes. Our economy is like the bill to the restaurant, you always hope for others to pay. Every government relies on the government following the check and the bank eventually salta.L 'optimism about our economy, government is not shared by the Annual Report on the economic freedom of the Heritage Foundation . L ' Italy is at 64th place on 157 nations evaluated, and down four places compared to 2006. The Report addresses the UN for the freedom of trade, and tax for the financial system. Also evaluates the level of corruption and the state's market. That Italy is preceded by Botswana (36) or closely followed by Madagascar (65) is no longer news. He rather thought that almost all the economically freest nations are in Europe. Right where we are. Except us. The Guinea-Bissau (148) can be justified, are in Africa. Italy how can you justify? What is Europe for us. A spiritual place? One way for citizens to believe the first and third world? Economic freedom is linked to freedom of information. Without one, there is not another. It is no coincidence that here the economy is falling apart for nearly two decades and the information is impounded by business groups, almost all parasites of the state through concessions, and partiti.Tutto good. Our debt has arrived in October to new record of 1.6297 trillion . A chasm, an Everest backwards. Our taxes are used to pay interest on the debt, not development. But do not worry, to have value is the ratio of debt to GDP. The same GDP as the Bank of Italy has declined growth for 2008 from 1.7% to 1%. Have a question until it can increase the public debt? What is the breaking point? And then, what will become of your savings?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Rotel Chicken Pasta Velveeta Cheese

Press for friends of the Blog

Reiterating its full readiness to give space and voice to those who want to give an opinion on the facts people, I ask for a issue of transparency, not to post anonymous comments. At least put your name, if you do not want to be identified.

Should you wish to post a new topic for discussion, in this case we ask you to sign the intervention.

Max Mannelli

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rss Feed Akiba Online

PATTI: the protest of the tank drivers, "Carnival in a minor" complaint by the Association Consumer Complaint

We take inspiration from the usual article in the Giornale di Sicilia to post our impressions and comments.

"There's no doubt about the forty-sixth edition of the Grand Carnival Patti "will be the same but unfortunately I have to record low turnout of the wagons to the two traditional carnival parades, as the masters carristi Patti, who in truth have always been the benchmark for the success of the event and at the same time appeal to the great mass of tourists every year storming the streets Patti, nearly 20,000 last year alone, up to now made me realize that not attending the final two rounds. " This is the cry of alarm that is launched by the Tourism Impalà Salvatore (pictured), who bluntly describing the state of maximum uncertainty less than a month after the beginning of the carnival sees the machine organizational definitely failed. "I honestly can not understand - said Impala - the reason for this waiver on the part of many masters tank drivers. Impalà, are you or are you doing? You are not clear why and do you think that readers of the Giornale di Sicilia is the mash?

Here are the reasons.

Ready replication of the master tank crewmen, which echoes James Pantaleo, one of the most representative, winner of the other of the various editions of "Gran Carnevale Patti:" Notwithstanding that, there is no question of a protest against the councilor Impalà - however I must point out that we're tired of working in total uncertainty, since Every year we never know, how the total amount of premiums, but also and not always, we take what we anticipated for the costs. It is so clear that you can not work. "It is possible that at the last minute there may be some re-thinking?" It just depends on the clarity and timeliness in honoring the commitment made to us. Again we are tired of being teased. "

Did you clear now or you need further explanation? In your opinion, people work themselves to death (day and night) without having certainty? You would not receive the commissioner's salary? What do you think people will tear their garments for you to maintain the honor of the City? Councillor Impalà try to be realistic, objective and above all honest with yourself. Have you ever seen the carnivals of other municipalities in Sicily? I do not say or Acireale Sciacca about let's look ( )

the truth is that Patti did not even figure among the last in Sicily. Do a search on the Internet, Google has "carnival in Sicily, thousands of results come out, but Patti is not listed anywhere. The truth is that for at least 12-15 years are not seen as manifestations Carnival high level in our community.

Wipe hand on consciousness and work, to build a car carnival relief.
not find membership?
not have any ideas?
I give it to you a free idea: m ettevi you aldermen and councilmen, and then the wagons and costumed groups. The news will be immediately reported by the national channels and, without spending public money in characters of the show, you've reached the right resonance that can serve to revitalize the town of Patti.
Let's stop feeling sorry for himself. We search for the causes of discontent ... without hypocrisy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Welcome Message For Marriage


The Consumers Association has warned the consortium Sicilian Sicilian highways for boosting highway tolls Me-Me-Ct and Pa, as the ministerial decree signed by the ministers of Peter and Padoa Schioppa December 28, 2007 had blocked the increase of 0.76 requested by the CAS. The warning was sent for information to the Public Prosecutor of Messina, the Minister of Infrastructure Di Pietro, the Minister of Economy Padoa Schioppa, dell'ASCAT the President and the President of ANAS.
Stranizza What more is there that the bodies responsible for inspections and controls absent. Agencies and institutions that should protective social interests, by contrast, got excited to taxpayers exhausted by the high cost of living and the squandering of public management. The paradox is that the people's representatives, an expression of citizens, rather than check, monitor and take action to protect the voters on the work of institutions, not only carry out checks which they often do not know the regulations, on the other hand, however, are overpaid for do nothing. The truth is this. For over a decade, citizens' representatives, at all levels, do not apply the policy. And while the country sinking into the unknown, the parties argue about the divisions and subdivisions, citizens at the mercy of this generation of irresponsible, you are in self-defense in associations and movements in defense of their rights. This is Italy at which we belong. Well then, are the French who want to Alitalia are also the Germans and the Spaniards anyone else can bring Odin, prestige, legality and splendor of what was once the beautiful country.

Here is the text of the warning

"We warned the CAS to withdraw within five days of receipt of our warning," said Nicola president of Calabria "to rescind of increases because it is inconsistent with the ministerial decree that denied the possibility of making the cost of the toll. Moreover, the same ASCAT stated in a press release that the increases on routes to ANSA highways Me-Me-Pa and Ct were blocked by ministers. ".
"In the decree," said Calabria "states that the CAS would have violated a number of measures described in ANAS, including" serious breach not to have made in the budget year 2006 the provisions of the financial benefits resulting from the lack of investment in period 2000-2006, and has carried out maintenance of an amount less than the financial plan "for this reason Having regard to the ministers agreed that the continuing failure tariff increase for 2008 should be zero. "
"This explains" Nicola Calabria "we asked the CAS to withdraw the measure within 5 days, otherwise we shall present a report exposed for fraud and unjust enrichment."
"With the same document we want to know," continues Nicholas Calabria "by what criteria, the regional legislation, national or community are granted hundreds of cards and toll free on the highways in Sicily."
"We understand," said Nicholas Calabria "that December 31 or during the last days of the year these facilities have been extended to January 31, 2008. At present we have not identified any law that provides for the granting of such benefits, we think that this is indeed a crime, besides the fact that it creates a disparity between the users and cause damage to the coffers of the institution for non-payment. "
"Just go expressways" says Nicholas Calabria "to realize that the Ministers and the ANAS are right to censure the behavior of the CAS, however, despite three deaths on the viaduct Montagnareale Patti in 2007, there have been no intervention the securing of the stroke, apart from the fact that the coat of asphalt maintenance needs in many ways and in some of replacement because it is very dangerous. "

Sunday, January 6, 2008

How Do U Know If U Have Bone Cancer

The alternatives to incinerators Beppe Grillo

We report an analysis of Beppe Grillo on why you should say "no" to incenitori.

Incinerators, why not
1. The incineration of toxic waste transforms them into nanoparticles and dioxins
2. Incineration requires substances such as water, lime, bicarbonate, which increase the initial amount of waste
3. Every tonne of waste are produced and 300 kg of flue ash and other solid substances.
- solid ash must be disposed of legally at a landfill for toxic waste, waste extremely most dangerous of the old landfill
- fumes containing 30 kg of fly ash cancer, 25 kg of plaster
- incineration produces 650 kg of contaminated water to be purified
4. The micro dust (2 pm to 0.1 pm) from the incineration if inhaled into the lungs to the blood coming in 60 seconds and 60 minutes every other organ in
5. The diseases are caused by the inhalation cancer, birth defects, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart attack and stroke. The proof
thousands of scientific papers

6. Incinerators, also called energy plants have been financed with 7% of the renewable energy bill Enel associating together waste oil refineries or coal. Without such a tax would be diseconomies. In the last Budget has been approved for financing, but only to incinerators already built
7. In Italy there are 51 incinerators, it would be desirable to have controllers that analyze the concentration of micro dust for each of them, along with the increase of related diseases in the territory in the long run

8. The oil companies, manufacturers of incinerators and partially funded by the light of day these economic realities are the only beneficiaries of waste incineration

Waste reduction, recycling, recycling and bioessicazione

1. Waste reduction (Berlin, for example, has reduced the waste in six months, 50%)
2. Separate collection from door to door price timely

3. Recycling of separately collected as
4. The remainder of waste after the implementation of the first three points to be sent to plants for a mechanical selection of the types of the remaining mixed waste. The non-recyclable can be handled without burning it in with plants bioessicazione
5. In economic terms should not burn in the presence of a collection because:
- the wood can be sold to companies to make chipboard
- paper recycling energy that makes it possible to obtain
- plastic recycling is convenient. It takes 2 / 3 kg of oil to make one kg of plastic
6. The collection can be up to 70% of the waste, the remaining 30% can be reduced to 15-20% after bioessicazione.
an amount that is less than or equal to the waste incinerators. But it is inert and not toxic at lower operating costs and environmental impacts health. If
in the waste sector there were no current realities, by law, all private monopolies of public capital, but a real market liberalization, competition between companies would be on the resilience and incineration would be exceeded.

How Long For Food Allergy To Appear

Press Committees north of Rome against the electro

The following is a statement we received from the coordination committee north of Rome against the antennas and electro. The comments are superfluous, the discomfort is enormous, especially in light of what's happening in Italy, where many have is to bring back nuclear power as an energy source at low cost!

Rome, January 5, 2008. Here's an art. of "Scientific American" about an American study, which identified 10 sites most polluted on earth. (Http:// places & page = 1) ( = top-10-worlds-most-polluted-places & page = 2) In second place is Chernobyl (5.5 million people involved), and despite Superquark Piero Angela. And in the silence of "Le Scienze", the Italian edition of Scientific American. Visiting the website of "Scientific American" referred to the links provided above, you can see some disturbing images, including that of an orphan named Sasha. A victim of Chernobyl. In the list of "Dirty 30" is also Mayak, Russian nuclear site that has contaminated with the plutonium Techa river that runs through the Russian city of Muslyomova.
Coordination Committees Roma Nord.