Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gamestop Headset Trade In

ARPAV OPEN LETTER to the Director-General, lawyer. Andrea Drago

In regards to your intervention reported in the Corriere del Veneto (30.01-10) "The Arpav" Stupid prejudices, we need these facilities, "it would be too easy to respond with offensive words such as those with which she has labeled, ie Venetian hysteria and ignorant. I prefer to answer the arguments of experienced and competent for the position who have held or hold, the exact Unlike his case, because, instead of being a lawyer, she oversees an institute for the prevention and environmental protection, ultimately health, and therefore its role and responsibilities should be almost that of a doctor. Obviously you will have its conveniences.
First of all, as taught by the European community, they also call these incinerators plants, and incinerators, with the enhancement that have nothing to do, if not with the diseases and deaths. Just on the pages of Corriere del Veneto, 29 U.S. Professor Eligio Grigoletto, former director of the cancer center at Aviano, warned that there is no doubt that tumors, especially youth, are closely related to the toxic environment. The need, incinerators, then, is the same agency that oversees her deny it completely, given the conclusion of the report the Committee held in Treviso province, on December 10 last, by his technician: special waste, potentially incineratable, pelvis reference would not be enough even for only one of two plants Silea and wife.
She finally comes to irrational fears on our part. I can explain how much is reasonable to accept or be resigned to take a family to give birth to children, to make many sacrifices to make them grow up healthy, in the shadow of an incinerator, now numerous studies that associate with the risk of serious illnesses? We are, of course, as you say, between the more developed regions of Europe's GDP and the technology used, but with what result? Are we not constantly immersed in a gas chamber that is increasingly poisoning? And she, director of the regional environmental protection and prevention of the Veneto region, we are saying that we should add other poisons?!?
R. Kennedy - 18/03/1968: We can not measure the success of our country on the basis of GDP does not take into account the health of our families, that does not measure what makes life truly worth living. Think
Mr. Drago: who and hysteria? Who is the ignorant?
Sincerely, Marcella
Choir, via Michelangelo, 4 - Mogliano Veneto TV

E71 Turn Off Camera Flash

Press the Zero Waste Committee meeting and Environment Network Veneto

After reading the newspapers that reported the most disparate statements.
we felt compelled to point out our position and claim a little 'responsible for what we have accomplished so far.


The Regional Council voted on Jan. 28 an amendment to the budget with which "can not be issued orders approving the projects for the disposal or recovery of hazardous waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, or granted permits to operate new disposal facilities and recycling of hazardous waste, hazardous and non-hazardous in the absence of a decision of the provincial council responsible for the area, after consulting the Observatory for the Protection of the Regional Waste and the Environment of Veneto, which established the indispensability of the plant for disposal or recovery, in accordance with the principle of proximity between production site and disposal site requirements of Article. 11 subsections 1 and 2 of Law January 21, 2000, No Article 3 and .199, paragraph 3 lit. d) of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, No 152.
In fact, with this amendment, it brings the management of hazardous waste within the rules, and are less than the claims of those who intend to take possession of the territory to impose incineration oversized as those proposed by Unindustria Treviso, however, creating the premises for emergency-type field as someone is already airing.
This vote is the result of a work of information and involvement continued with conviction, since 2005, by the committees in the area.
spontaneous Committees have pointed out, right away, since the dangers of two incinerators for hazardous waste from 250 thousand tons each, which would severely compromise the livability of the area pouring every day into the atmosphere than 1,000 kg of dust, in a context of already outlawed in the European Community in terms of air quality. Suffice it to say that, year to date, in only 28 days, the city of Treviso has recorded over 20 runs compared against the 35 year legally permissible.
Now that this milestone has been reached there are prerequisites for the start of a Waste Plan that respects the dictates of the regulations, indicating the way of the reduction, recycling, reuse, and only recently, that of 'incineration. We expect that all the social partners, including businessmen and politicians, contribute, within their respective jurisdiction and the crystallization of a truly innovative and forward-looking project.
membership would include Zero Waste and Environment Network Veneto consider this result as a success of the sense of responsibility and not a victory for "politics of inaction" but rather a victory for "politics of do no harm to people" and hope that the public spirit continues to prevail without the issue of waste is easily manipulated for political campaigns, with threats of absurd and ridiculous disaster.

Zero Waste Committee meeting of Treviso and Venice
Paul Pittaluga
Michele Boato
Lucia Tamai

Network Environment Veneto - Via Venezia 7-30171 Mestre
Michele Boat: tel / fax 041 935 666
Committee meeting - Via G. Leopardi 1 / a - 31057 Silea
Lucia Tamai: cell. 320 231945

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Weirdest Piercing Ever

ecoballe ......

At 4 years after the submission of the draft Unindustria is still pending approval procedures of the two incinerators for the destruction of 500 thousand tons of industrial waste despite the contrary opinion expressed:

- 8 councils representing about 90 000 citizens;

- from the province of Treviso;

- by the Environment Committee of the province of Venice

- dall''Ente park of the Sile River.

The process was not interrupted even if since February 2007, the Regional Council had decreed the suspension with the approval, a large majority, the motion No 24 "No to incinerators and Silea Bonisiolo (TV) and Resolution No. 26 "The Region of Veneto Programmator take action on energy plants."

Therefore, almost two years on the Board Regional is in default in respect of the maximum regional bodies and did not take into consideration the warnings sent in April and 20,007 in May 2009, the Zero Waste Committee meeting and Environment Network Veneto, which is enjoined not to continue the investigation of incineration plants and to implement the resolutions.

Now, despite the ARPAV, through the Regional Waste Centre, has confirmed that, based on data updated to 2007, waste incineration are appropriate only 117mila tonnes which was insufficient for the operation of a single plant, citizens and administrators feel the threat to reiterate that "... the two incinerators are essential, otherwise we end up as Bassolino in Campania ".

Although such a statement is completely out of place, considering that for years the collection has a level of excellence and in the Treviso province alone there are over 300 companies to recover waste, Zero Waste Committee meeting of Treviso and Venice Network Environment Veneto mean it quite clear that the waste emergency in Campania has been created by a series of wrongful acts and defaults, which have nothing to do with our reality, and are currently before the Judiciary.

It will be the engineer. Paolo Rabitti, advisor to the PM in the trial against Bassolino Impregilo and to illustrate to citizens and administrators meeting on January 12 in Silea, to 20.30, c / o 'a Sunday.

Engineer. Rabitti ecoballe author of the book will explain the billion-dollar business of waste and will help us to understand who benefits and what mechanisms block the alternatives.

Given the interest with which the theme is followed incenerirori and the real possibility that within a few days Unindustria Treviso present to the public on the project for the installation of wife asks if there is a chance to have your presence at meeting with the engineer. Rabitti to enrich the information citizens.

Thanks for your attention, for


Lucia Tamai

cell. 320 2319451