Friday, February 29, 2008

How Much Jon Cryer Getpaods

PATTI: "The plan excludes the great works of Patti-Francavilla"

Audience Following the cry of alarm raised by the President of the Association of Municipalities, based in Patterson, Armando Lopes. Of course we could not shirk our responsibility and duty to say what we think about it. As always, in an article, you will find our comments in green. Good reading.

"I can not understand why the Sicilian Region has listed the operational plan of major projects to be implemented within the POR, 2007 - 2013 and submitted to Brussels, no work on the Province of Messina and in particular the highway that Patti-Francavilla, not hide, for the economy of all countries covered by the consortium Tindari-Nebrodi an important point of reference for the commercial development and tourism. " (excuse the President, but the Sicilian region are as many as 10 deputies elected in the province of Messina). E 'this is the cry of alarm that is launched from Armando Lopes, president of the consortium Tindari-Nebrodi which includes the towns of Basildon, Falcone, Ficarra, Floresta, Gioiosa Marea, Librizzi, Mazzarrà, Montagnareale, Helicon Montalbano, Oliveri, Raccuia, Brolo Sant'Angelo, San Piero Patti, Sinagra and Ucria. "This list - says Lopes-is a wake-up call that should prompt us to be careful because it seems to be a first step toward the centralization of two large metropolitan areas, such as Catania and Palermo, at the expense of the Messina province and its municipalities in special centers that are part of our body. (remember that the president among the 10 members on there too. D'Aquino, who if I remember correctly his deputy is the reference in ARS). Just to try to avoid or possible to limit the damage caused by this initiative taken by the Sicilian Region - continued Lopes - I organized for Sunday at the headquarters of the "Palazzo dei Dioscuri Tindari, an assembly of all the sixteen mayors are part of the consortium, (what for? campaign?) with the intervention of the President of the Province of Messina, Salvatore Leonardi and Messina all politicians, whatever their political hue, so that joint action can be born of observation and at the same time to understand that even in our area there are important projects that must be included in the ROP program, 2007-2013. " Example? "On all stands the now splendid reality design the "Country Hotel" or "Houses of Nature" in which the starting line, the full availability of well 4897 new beds, with Patti, clearly in the lead with 955, followed by Montalbano 646, Barcelona 522, Sant'Angelo Brolo 408. These structures - Lopes concludes - that will be available to visitors as soon as it started out a call to begin the renovation of old houses in the common site of the historic centers.

President does not believe that she was not aware of the choices of the Sicilian Region, and even when it did, then let me tell you that it would be appropriate to give up his office. A consortium important as his can not be unaware of the initiatives of the Norman Palace and above, with the projects so critical to the development of a territory is not allowed to exclude anyone with a territory ela ours. Clearly something did not work: the report of the consortium with institutions? His relationship with the deputation from Messina? Or what else? It certainly can not report a failure by dell'opposizone, as in Palermo, the government is represented by the same coalition to which she belongs. So he should stop smoking and the initiatives of front, challenges his political points of reference, the same people who you helped to elect, and ask them to do their duty, honoring commitments with our territory and the whole community that belongs to the consortium, which in some way she is right now.

What Is My Career In My Date Of Birth


To all the friends of the blog, as I said before, I ask you to sign your comments, otherwise you will not be published, was added to a filter that automatically trashes anonymous comments .

Thank you and good weekend!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Example Disconnection Letter

PATTI: "Cement wild? All in accordance with the Plan"

arrives timely response of City. Today on the Giornale di Sicilia, the City's planning department, answer my interview yesterday, justifying the actions of the administration and highlighting the administrative regularity. Honestly, I raised objections of environmental and administrative ... I have the impression that it is justified for something .....

instead I picked up compliments from several people who shared my cry for help .... Maybe I said something that everyone thought but no one had the courage to act out in public?

's your response to the administration.


"Context in the strongest terms the statements issued by Chairman of the" Patti, Viva City, Massimiliano Marinelli, according to which the city of Patti no longer a constructive logic governing the urban structure with criteria of appropriateness and environmental impact. But I can easily demonstrate that all that is currently being built, is strictly regulated under the new and existing land-use plan that is the tool in a transparent manner with which the activity is regulated urban land Patti. " With these statements during an interview with the Giornale di Sicilia, the Councillor planning, Paolo Mastronardi (pictured) meets the critical exponent environmentalist "Patti-living city, which had advanced in a controversy of strong concerns about how now in the town of Patti, and in particular: "We witness daily the rise buildings to see, without respect of green spaces, with no forecast of squares, gardens, public areas, highlighting that would be released licenses too. " Again the answer ready councilor urban planning: "These are issued according to the plan. Woe if there was an administration governing the timing and modalities for granting licenses, instead of guaranteeing all citizens who have acquired these rights through the adoption of the plan. It is in this case could establish a method of possible speculation eliza. "The other challenge that is given by the President Mannelli, which is actually also in the sight of all is that this race has in fact cemented the inflated housing market, so now you are in the presence of scattered clusters of cement territory without that there is a genuine demand for the proposal of the current supply of affordable housing. "I have the impression that they deliberately forget that in the city for decades could not be built due to lack of plan. Another fundamental aspect - Mastronardi continues - and I do not understand why you do not want to highlight, that the town of Patti, in recent years in spite of what is happening in neighboring towns, had a substantial population growth, so even this accusation context. On the other hand just go and consult with the registry office to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of these my statements. Also - Mastronardi concludes - with the premise that an administration task is not to replace the logic of inflation or market, but rather to have completed the approval of the Prg about Patti so that everything was regulated in a more transparent, both in terms of building rights, run car parks, educational facilities, and especially on the side of the increase in tourist facilities. Such as the granting of a license for the construction of a hotel than a thousand beds, which should rise in the area of \u200b\u200bPlaya.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Benefits Of Soaked Anjeer

PATTI: "Enough with the cement wild"

This time the public statement of my interview out today in the Journal of Sicily.

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"In the town of Patti, there is no longer a constructive logic governing the urban structure with criteria of progressive environmental impact as well as aesthetic, now builds however, and in all ways. "This is the cry of alarm that is launched by the President of the environmental committee," Patti, living city, "Massimiliano Marinelli on the incredible building boom fire immediately after the approval of Prg, plan. "We have waited before taking action - said Mannelli - because of the ongoing judicial investigation, to verify the correctness of administrative permission. But today, in light of increasingly frequent disputes that arise daily between citizenship, the measure is really full. Now there is almost with impunity, to see buildings rise, with many different colors, the most extreme forms, without respect of green spaces, without a scheduled public squares, gardens and public areas. There is an Environmental Action Plan to implement the local reality the principles set out in Agenda 21, where in accordance with current European standards, must be safeguarded the principles of livability and environmental sustainability of urban areas. "Why Patti, yerificando is this?" Maybe they were granted, all at once, too many in fact that building permits have also inflated the real estate market. Time, and this is the most striking result, which we are now scattered with piles of concrete in the municipal area without there being a genuine demand for the proposal of the current supply of affordable housing. "Morale?" The companies are in difficulty, area was very devastated and quality of life in urban areas has been further compromised. Our concern - continued Mannelli - Is that this continuous process of urbanization creates discomfort because of the lack of services: sewers and collectors is insufficient, an energy consumption of water and electricity do not supportable by the current network, clogging the roads and cause problems with mobility, lack of green space quality ". What would be the remedies?" I call on governments and businesses to streamline the areas already affected, the reuse of abandoned ones, recovery and restoration of architectural styles, typically local, providing quality housing for the wealthy and the protection vulnerable social groups. We also request approval of a landscape plan that places emphasis on environmental values \u200b\u200bof the natural environment that affect the entire urban planning. "Example?" We need to ensure an honorable compromise between conservation and transformation that should be the privilege of a mature civilization, in order to develop the potential of a given municipality without changing the values \u200b\u200bof environmental and landscape territory. If this is true in general - concluded Mannelli - much more needs to be implemented nelcaso particular the town of Patti, looking right in the tourism sector's main role "

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Male Pubic Hairstyles

Mortality smog

published an interesting article by Henry Loi on pollution caused by pollution emitted by passenger cars. To you the considerations universe and especially a bold reflection.

long-term exposure to air pollution to vehicle emissions may decrease life expectancy, traffic density and distance of residence from major roads can be considered predictive of differences in the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the air. If an association between particulate pollution and cardiopulmonary disease had already observed, confirmation comes from a large prospective study published in the Lancet (2002, 360: 1203-1209).
The search, which lasted eight years - collected data between 1986 and 1994 - and conducted in the Netherlands, involved five thousand individuals aged between 55 and 69 years, 64 percent of them men. Aims of the work were to assess the exposure to aeroinquinanti, especially the black smoke (particulate pollution, mainly due to elemental carbon emitted by diesel engines) and nitrogen dioxide (from all motor vehicles) and measure the cause-mortality specifically connected. The data obtained showed an increased relative risk of death from cardiovascular disease associated with a background air pollution level of 10 pg nero/m3 smoke. This increase is not statistically significant, however, reinforces similar evidence obtained from previous studies. They also tested the variation in risk depending on the proximity to areas of the dwelling or not particularly busy. The data obtained confirm the suspected: the majority of 11 percent of the participants died during the study died from cardiovascular disease and pulmonary and cardio-pulmonary mortality was significantly correlated to the proximity of the dwelling to the main streets. In particular, it was noted that live within a hundred yards from a highway or within fifty to a main road further increases the risk of cardiovascular death, which is almost one and half times higher than that attributable to only background pollution. Less important, however, appeared The influence of factors such as noise from traffic, poor diet and alcohol consumption. Finally, independent results of air pollution deaths due to diseases other than heart and lungs and the tumor load in the lung. It is emphasized, however, are not necessarily black smoke and nitrogen dioxide to cause increased mortality, but these substances are good indicators of the level of aeroinquinamento. Obviously, further research is needed on the subject, but the results of the study, the authors, however, should suggest some changes in health policy: they should be assumed that the vehicle emissions and those due to combustion continue to be a major source of particulates in the world. The increasingly obvious link between the dust and the risk of cardio-pulmonary mortality so strongly emphasizes the need for action at local level. The research is published in the journals "Lancet" & "Journal of the doctor" (author: Paola Gregori).

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hpi Crawler King Forum

solid waste incinerators, the mass is not created and not destroyed

published below for the analysis and proposals on waste incineration, written by Ginatempo Benjamin, a professor in the Department of Physics, University of Messina

L 'Incineration is not destruction of a mass of waste, but a reduction in their volume, that is a kind of efficient compaction, chemical rather than mechanical. The price paid for this reduction in volume is the emission of gas and dust. Incineration is none other than the provision of a large percentage of our trash into a huge landfill apparently free to use: the atmosphere.
Proposals for an alternative.
It is clear that the laws of Nature can not be violated or ignored just because the media have the energy plant as the final solution to the problem of waste in the Western world. Certain statements clash with the laws of physics. A fundamental law is the following: "the mass is not created and not destroyed" (Principle of Conservation of Mass). This applies everywhere in the universe and shall also apply to waste incinerators. This means that one ton of waste prior to incineration, will weigh a ton even after incineration, but it will be in the form of ash, more or less fine dust, gas and other materials seized from expensive and refined filtering systems. So if you have less ash will be produced more dust and gas (more or less harmful). It should also be cleared away another misconception: that the incinerator to produce energy is not at all mean that the mass of the waste is converted into energy (fortunately there are no nuclear reactions in incinerators!). It only means that the thermal energy in the combustion of RDF is converted into electrical energy. It is understood that this energy is the enhancement of the waste, it would be lost if the CDR was going to landfill.
It is then, of course, the problem of what to do with ashes and filters, special waste that can not end up under the carpet. The logical consequence of the above is that incineration is not and can not be the solution to the problem of waste disposal, as media propaganda on this issue. The energy plant, therefore, will not prevent al'umanità to be buried by waste, but will serve at most to postpone that moment - unless you are with the first poison gas and dust.
The most rigorous but simple way to avoid being quickly buried by our waste, according to previous arguments, one of the accounts. Expand recycling is certainly one of the most efficient techniques. Stefano from acting in his fine article ( reminds us that recycling one kilogram of plastic is much cheaper (in terms of energy) to redo it from scratch on oil. I would go a little 'later on. A plastic bottle (such as that of the detergent) is almost eternal, and there's not much reason to recycle (ie, clean it, melt it and make plastic bags): just reuse it as is (ie filling new detergent). Unfortunately, it is not so for cans or for those grocery bags or trash.
almost complete recycling of many materials, however, is possible, but it supposed to mount an industrial system and willing to implement - this time, yes! - To enhance the waste. Unfortunately, without a paper mill nearby is not useful to recycle paper, without a nearby foundry and properly equipped is impossible to recycle aluminum, without specialized electronic industries can not be properly recycle the phones and televisions, etc. .. So it asked the following question: if in a region (eg Sicily) there is an industrial system that can receive and process waste materials in a cost effective way, how can one recycle up to 30% of MSW? I do not think that everything depends on the cultural barbarism and backwardness of citizens. In fact, in Sicily is still recycles less than in California (in Messina 3%) and the situation will worsen. In exchange for the transfer of a small proportion of waste from Campania, Sicily Cuffaro won by the Prodi government (Pace of Pecoraro Scanio), the release of the construction of 4 (four), Italy's largest energy plants. Sicily therefore is gearing up to become the main dustbin of Italy, where it will burn everything that does not recycle, that is, almost everything. Indeed, the more you will burn more convenient for individuals who will manage the facilities. Sicily and the equation "to waste money = ecomafie" is easy to predict.
In my opinion, the most rational response to the waste problem, the objective sought here, is the "zero option" by Paul Connett: everything that sooner or later will simply be incinerated should not be produced. But we must realize that this is impossible in a neo-liberal development model. In fact produce only what is needed and can be reused is only possible in a society that pursues the common good, not a company that pursues profit. Presented very well known that this issue outlines the sustainability-market dichotomy and the only rational solution is that I know my side of sustainability. That is the socialism of the future. But unfortunately it will take time (especially if left in the federation and even tinker you decide to join).
In the meantime, however, can not afford to waste that fill the streets and something must do, because you can not wait and get sick with the rubbish under the house. So while some will need to build incinerators, but without exaggeration as the Sicilian bulimic. However, in addition to a general "focus on money laundering" - whose limits are as stated in the level of industrial development of the territory and not only in the good manners of the people - I believe that government action can understand some speech, that I just to list.
1. Release the TARSU the square footage of homes / drill and fix the amount of waste products to businesses and the amount per person for families who make less trash pay less.
2. Increase TARSU but the discounts appreciably (up to 70%) to citizens in proportion to the amount of recycled materials: those who recycle more pay less.
3. Use the large department stores as collection centers for recyclable materials by imposing (the licensing) the cost of transporting materials to be recycled to the target (a truck that empties into a hypermarket there could load paper collection and return journey download it in a paper mill).
4. Extending incentives for scrapping as well as electronic devices, appliances, etc.. also in furniture, mattresses and various ornaments.
5. Substantial tax incentives for companies to enable the purchase and distribution bulk products and correspondingly substantial discounts to the consumer. For example, the purchase of detergent (or mineral water, oil, milk, tomato sauce, frozen, juice, flour, sugar, salt, pasta, etc..) By special dispensers and using reusable containers.
6. Distribution of bulk drugs (no blisters or boxes) according to the exact number of tablets / vials required for treatment in custom containers (which would also lead to big savings to the NHS) and flyer artwork (electronic).
7. Prohibit by law, or at least heavily taxed, the production and use of plastic bags for shopping and polystyrene trays for food products, and similar useless products.
8. Establishment of Recycle managers in municipalities and public bodies.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thank You Coming My Party

PATTI: still casting the concrete, "hit" also the historic center

We take inspiration from an article published last week in the Journal of the South to plot position on the issue of cement ours was beautiful village! The following article appeared in the newspaper.


Continue unstoppable race to the concrete. More and more cramped spaces free as you continue to build throughout the city. The center, already congested, it becomes increasingly untenable, because cement has now taken over everywhere. For example, in Corso Matteotti would have thought, given the objective difficulty of finding a parking space, the lack of which has serious repercussions on the movement to build a parking lot, instead of issuing building permits to build palaces, four or five floors, a on the other. In the curve of the "hemp", where once they found themselves the pattes, during their evening walks, to enjoy the spectacle offered by the clear waters of the Gulf of Patti and the Aeolian Islands, has built a sort of Berlin Wall "which were deleted in one go, good taste and memories. Later, in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Homes and Rasoli Russo the settlements built on site or not there are more. Unfortunately, the list is very long and, most importantly, no longer defends the green and the environment. It builds on a June Due in Piazza XXV Aprile, in the area of \u200b\u200bSanto Spirito, in Kennedy and in the district of Paradiso, and in many other places too. By the way, do not always think to achieve at the same time, the seats for cars, green areas, spaces for children, essential services and can not be built, especially roads, to rid the city center from the chaos automobile and, therefore, smog "It 's an impossible situation - many complain pattes -. clearances, practically, there are not more but also the impact environment is visible to everyone. "We face, therefore, for urban expansion without brakes" that - add-makes it increasingly untenable in our country, which could become a pile of messy cement.


We had raised the objection at that time to some administrators and citizens of return, there had been answered: we are not forcing the hand, is the plan that provides for urban development. Now we do not know if this is true or not, the fact is that our town has always bisfrattato and raped by inoculated a public management, is now one step closer to collapse. There is no longer a constructive logic, there is a serious building code is being built, however, always, everywhere and in all ways. Hence rise buildings, isolated stretches of concrete with the most varied colors, the most extreme forms, without respect of green spaces, provision of plazas, gardens, public areas. There is an Environmental Action Plan to implement the principles laid down to the local Agenda 21, also have been issued building permits galore inflating the housing market. The result of all of this is that now we find ourselves with a pile of concrete scattered throughout the city without there being its application. Moral? The companies are in trouble because (you want the general economic situation, want to over-supply), not to those who sell the houses, the area was very devastated and quality of life in urban areas has been further compromised.

thank everyone: administrators, citizens, politicians and businesses.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Confidentialilty Of The Position Clause

The management of waste as a resource!

public and I get an article written by the Waste PinucciaMontanari, national contact point of the green in this area.

resurfaces CIP6 deception, in a difficult situation such as that bell. Thanks to amendments to the green, and in particular the work of Camillo Piazza, Loredana De Petris, Angelo Bonelli, Grace Francis had finally walked toward the right direction. It was by removing a distortion that has caused 40 billion of funds CIP6 ended, 70%, similar to the sources defined. A resolution of the Interministerial Committee was the prices-1992 - introduced them by establishing an increase of 6% of electricity paid by end consumers, to promote renewable energy goal was to encourage the development of production sustainable energy, solar and wind power. Instead, thanks to a broad interpretation of the term "renewable" billions have gone into the coffers of companies whose energy production is far from renewable power plants, refineries, fed by waste incinerators. Fallen government has reversed course again thanks to an exclusive Ministry of Industry who returned the CIP6 incinerators Campania in the making.
are € 60 more in the bill not to promote energy from the sun or wind, but to encourage an additional gain from waste for the disposal of which citizens already pay heavy bills, not to mention the environmental price and health of a cycle of waste management, rather than address the problem upstream, he plans to solve it from the end of the cycle, ie the final stage of disposal. The waste could really become the Gold of Naples, but, first, it would be good to call no more waste, but "post-consumer materials. Even after being consumed and continue to be used on: plastic, glass, paper, organics, wood, aluminum, various metals, non-recyclable dry fraction. The waste cycle is not resolved except in the aspect of sustainability and respect for hierarchy indicated by the law: reducing, separate, recycle. For us this is very green clear. Where in Italy manage the delegation in green environment are obvious results in terms of recycling. And thanks to the Minister and his scientific collaborator Luca From the garden is off the main Italian group of Agenda 21 which deals with waste and has among its objectives the creation of an eco-door waste, on the Internet, public government and the drafting of a manual to activate the collection. ACRplus in Europe (Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling) has launched a campaign important for reducing the production of 100kg of waste per capita per year. In 'autumn 2008 during the French EU presidency, is program in the first edition of the European Week for waste reduction. Each local government will have to decline its specific commitment: how? If you enter the home composting reduces the production of undifferentiated waste of about 40 kg / inhabitant / year, then the use of eco-diapers, tap water, the use of multi-purpose bag and canvas, the packaging making, detergents on tap, the reuse of various materials are actions that involve a saving of up to 100kg, which, multiplied by the number of inhabitants of a city, saves land for disposing of waste (known today that the Stern report Average planetary space available to absorb sustainably waste and industrial waste and consumption, bio-productive space is 1.8 hectares per capita. 9.6 ne'assorbono Americans, Europeans 4.5. If the rest of the world want to reach these levels, three other planets would not be enough). The savings then it's cheap and for a city of 150,000 inhabitants to reduce the production of 100kg of waste per capita would save € 1 million in disposal (because now the cost of disposal varies from about 70 to 240 euro per tonne). Then the cycle of waste can be closed in a sustainable way if the post-consumer materials have come back to life: plastic bottles to produce pipes in agriculture, automobile interiors, objects, glass industrial ceramics, metals, and to make Ricicletta coffee, organic compost as against desertification, the newspaper again becomes paper, books and green procurement in the public service (compulsory by law for another - at least 30%). Finally, the final closure of the cycle should be done with cold systems, not incinerators through which simply turns the sound pollution in gaseous pollution, not to mention that 30% of the burning becomes ash (fly ash and bottom ash , still toxic and must be disposed of in special landfills or shipped to Germany as it looks to the incinerator of Brescia). As an alternative to the incinerator, the cycle of waste can be closed with the MBT. If virtuous reaches 70% of collection-you can show how many big-city even 30% of undifferentiated waste that remains can be further separated, getting back on, maybe lower-quality compost, even metals, etc.. At the end, a 6%, and stabilized, may be used as a basis for road foundations, as material for land reclamation and so on ... So it is not impossible, but absolutely feasible to reach the target waste 0. Europe is asking us to go in this direction but we need to invest in good practices amministratiive, supported from clear political decisions and technical experts in dealing with complex systems. In Italy there is a reserve of young people covering the whole extraordinary skills just waiting to be activated, the result of years of study, experience and work in universities and institutions. Not to mention that today in Italy as in Germany the business of recycling eco-efficient has a turnover of EUR 38 billion and is growing by 8%. Why do we continue to foolishly throw away these resources?

Pinuccia Montanari - Contact National Waste-GREEN

Monday, February 4, 2008

L Shaped Shower Curtain Rod Home Depot

PATTI: ban on selling alcoholic beverages, the controversy explodes

Carry an article in the Journal of the South today.


Serrata bars pattes to protest against the order of the mayor, Giuseppe Venuto, which placed a ban on all sales, administration and consumption of alcoholic beverages from 14 to 22 days of Carnival parades. So, yesterday afternoon, the public establishments that are located along the route of the procession have lowered their shutters. He had announced at the end of the meeting held Saturday afternoon with the municipal administration in an attempt to obtain the lifting of the trade union. At the firm refusal of the city government was so opposed to an equally strong position traders. The order issued by the Mayor was to ensure a peaceful and secure conduct of the festivities, trying to avoid any accidents or hazards that could be determined by the use of alcoholic beverages. But the mayor's decision has, however, lit the fires caused much discontent among both commercial operators and between citizens. The organizers of the protest showed "that, if within the limits of decency for Carnival some excess can be tolerated, that the joy of celebration of parades, fruit, too, not the usual libations, it may be, in a year already promises to be exciting no, seriously and permanently impaired and that the carnival parades are for the operators of many outlets located along the route, at a time certainly not thriving economically, very important opportunity to work.

This time we roll out a congratulations to the mayor. But then, once they are given is a sign of civilization and responsibility, the people, or if we are a class of the field, it reacts with the lock? So is it true that this country does not want to grow, it's true that order and discipline you prefer, dereliction, irresponsibility and the mere selfishness. It 's really absurd to think that a minority of merchants to influence the choices of a government, which in the past we have shown irresponsibility and carelessness. This time we have to recognize the municipal merits and honors. the past year and past shows and entertainment, resulting from the carnival parades, were added sadly unfortunate episodes of violence and unrest due to excess alcohol gobbled up by several participants in the parades. This year the Mayor Patti thought to prevent and ensure safety, prohibiting the resale of alcoholic beverages. In response, the managers and owners of public places, have seen fit to protest having closed the premises. Congratulations dear traders, you made a wise choice and intelligent. Closing your exercises have not cashed the ordinary nor extraordinary, nor even that could result from further attendance by non-residents attracted by the carnival event. Moreover, with the eclat of your act, you have publicly stated that there is a damn good order and public safety. Apparently a few hundred euro more in your receipts worth more than sobriety, and public safety in more than a few tens of euro was worth more than the physical integrity of citizens and foreign guests. This past year we have seen drunk people beating each other of holy right, and spectators have attempted to quell some drunken brawl, get some punch too. But this you do not care, most of 100-200 € in cash will change your life and finances will improve.

Congratulations, you have shown your act with civic sense and maturity of an entire .
doing so not only have not sold alcohol, but not ice cream, coffee drinks and other products of mass consumption.
In the end those who have lost and who has won?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Carpet Install Closet Door

Electrosmog endless!

Post today, the newspaper of Sicily, an interview with me in terms of mobile phone masts.

interview I moved my grievances to the council that the promises and agreements made at the time, now has turned a deaf ear. The municipal regulation for the installation of satellite dishes, which was approved by the council a year ago, needs to reach operating, the so-called plan of the antennas. The city administration is justified in saying that it had hired a professional to map the territory. The problem is, you want to do it or not you care at all!

Having given a task to a professional there free from following the deadline for completing the technical processing and solicit delivery. The regulation approved by the municipal council, was a commission composed of environmental groups, organizations and professionals who gather together periodically to agree on development plans for phone companies. Well it was not done nothing! In addition, we were not informed of the latest plan. In other words, although we have been heavily involved in the preparation of municipal regulation, free advice on the connotations of the terms of antennas and reference standards, we have not been made part of what has been done and what it intends to do. We required constant monitoring and continuing throughout the city on the levels of exposure to electromagnetic waves, an epidemiological investigation in the areas affected by antennas and towers to see the emergence of any medical condition but we have not received a reply. If this is the spirit of cooperation and participation referred to the commissioner Mastronardi (Local Authority Urban Planning), then we are far from what is our concept of participatory democracy.

Allow us, therefore, disagree with everything that was said by the local authority and express concern for public health and opposition to being too reassuring.

PS but in all this, the assessor who makes the ecology? What do you think? Someone informed him that this is a matter for the environment?

Secret Delta Gamma Initiation Rituals

It was the day of the carnival! The large bale of

As we predicted, the day of the carnival was cartatterizzato by controversy and protests. The great carnival Patti turned out to be a great disappointment, had been announced, Patti. And so despite the desertion of the master carristi the municipal administration in person Impalà Salvatore, Head of Tourism, has produced the most constipated carnival history of Patti. And to say that he had had time to organize it. In December, the newspapers wrote about the planning of the carnival in Patti, even the city government takes pride in the fact that this year, having started two months earlier, would produce the most beautiful carnival in history. Well it did. Viewers disappointed, tanks cut in half, reduced participation by the public. And the great figures of psettacolo that were to serve as a draw for tourists? What happened? Without detracting from the very good magician Salvin, honestly thought it would come on TV artists whose presence in our country would act as a sounding board between the media supporting free publicity to our country. In return for up to three days before the parade no one knew the program, despite the walls of our cities were flooded with posters that promoted the Carnival of Sciacca, Gioiosa Marea, Acireale. This side of the programming schedule.

Congratulations and good continuation. Continuing this way, the Pulcinella Award is already yours.

Councillor PS Impalà, given your time, I remember back in December for Christmas! Pianificatelo with the greatest advance! 11 months enough for you?