The album, in fact, 'the first Jazzchart iTunes and between individuals of this ranking ninth out of 10 tracks from her album: "Madness of Love," "Lady O", "Reality and fantasy" "Hot Summer", "Do not Stop" (bonus track), "Behind the sunrise", "A Three second breath," "Saro 'you' and 'Tuesdey. In addition, "Reality and fantasy 'and' second in the overall iTunes and" Madness of Love ", a track that led him to victory in San Remo, and 'in fifth position. Produced, composed and arranged by the same Gualazzi Raphael, "Reality and fantasy 'is a project by Caterina Caselli which consists of 14 tracks plus' a bonus track (for the digital version contains two bonus tracks) enriched by the contribution of names like Gilles Peterson, James F. Reynolds, Pete Glenister, Vince Mendoza, Fabrizio Bosso, Fio Zanotti and Ferdinando Arno '. Tuesday 'on March 8 Raphael Gualazzi start' Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome with his new tour. (AGI)
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