Gattinoni, Balestra, Lella Curiel, Nino Lettieri, Rami Ali, Jack Guisso, Abed Mahfouz, Tony Ward. Even high fashion parade in homage Unita 'd'Italy. A Renaissance Revisited, correct, re-actualized in the middle of a timeless debate. On the catwalks of the Holy Spirit in Sassia paraded the dress Tricolore signed by the Gattinoni Guillermo Mariotto, Italy, worn by Miss Francesca Testasecca. Renato Balestra, music lover and big fan of classical music, personally chose the soundtrack of his show. Another tribute Unita 'd'Italy by Mascagni Biagio Antonacci quoting Gianna Nannini, awaiting the homage that the city' of Los Angeles will dedicate 'the famous Roman couturier, March 27 parade, where Dress greens, reds and whites. Michele Miglionico choose a dedication to the Prancing Horse, Piazza Exedra, traveling in the event, 'Tribute to Ferrari', designed by Antonio Ferrari, president of the nonprofit cultural Epic, Gio 'Warriors bowler Launches' Long live 'Italy', Roberto Capucci, and 'has started with one of his sculptures at the Museum Braschi. Once again, the Lebanese designer Abed Mahfouz is proving a mediator between western and eastern culture. To defile the 'Roman has chosen to pay homage to Italy with the green of the Tricolor, reinterpreting colors with pistachio and Arcadian. A sign of hope for a future no longer 'stained with blood and violence.
Raffaella Curiel has instead opted for a narrow Tricolore put a white belt with embroidery in relief (1861-2011) who opened the defile 'Roman accompanied innate di Mameli
historical period still full of reminders, suggestions, memory, the unit. A moment of reflection, especially today, in times of federalism. But high fashion, even in the past, and 'often inspired by the glories of the Risorgimento. The 50s, crinoline dresses by Dior and Givenchy, but also Shubert, the Sorelle Fontana, Mme Fernanda Gattinoni. But even the brocade, trimmings, light cotton fabrics. Dyed, printed, which were made with starched clothes day. How those imagined by Alberta Ferretti and Luisa Beccaria. Haute couture for women who unconsciously brings to the courage, ambition, dedication of women who have contributed significantly to dream unit. Virginia Countess of Castiglione, Cristina Trivulzio of Belgaum, immortalized in bustier and transparency, long silk gloves, lace and embroidery, Mario Martone in his latest film 'We thought,' Elena Casati Sacchi, wife of Federico Confalonieri, Maria Teresa Serego Alighieri next to the ladies of the house Litta, Borromeo Visconti. Too often, the British designer Vivienne Westwood has said, through his spectacular outfits, the nineteenth century. Damask, taffeta, hoods. Grandeur and opulence. But
and 'especially in men's fashion that the spirit and unity 'yet. A constant in the collections of historic house made in Italy. The tails of Pignatelli, jackets damask, brocade vest. The elegance and style inspired by Costantino Nigra, philologist, poet, diplomat, a senator of the Kingdom, in a collection signed Litrico. And next to the tuba, the hat-shaped cylinder, the pin stops ties, button covers, silver cufflinks, spat on his shoes like the 800, branded Cesare Paciotti, immortal scarves, shawls, clutch the wrist, sleeves (remember Anna Karenina?). But the jewels and bags signed by patriotic princess Lucia Odescalchi (enamel red, turquoise and white), by Cristina Rotondaro by Pino (rubies, emeralds and diamonds for earrings and rings), the pair of Inzillo by Michael Calabresi Marconi driving 'Saddlers Union'. the historical brand of leather in the capital for the celebrations of 2011 raises the ITA Miki, lined inside with ventricular tissue. Nationalism''and the love for Italy is something we carry inside - confessed Michael Marconi - Feelings deep impregnable secrets. Never ostentatious, as our accessories.'' (PHOTOS)
Raffaella Curiel has instead opted for a narrow Tricolore put a white belt with embroidery in relief (1861-2011) who opened the defile 'Roman accompanied innate di Mameli
historical period still full of reminders, suggestions, memory, the unit. A moment of reflection, especially today, in times of federalism. But high fashion, even in the past, and 'often inspired by the glories of the Risorgimento. The 50s, crinoline dresses by Dior and Givenchy, but also Shubert, the Sorelle Fontana, Mme Fernanda Gattinoni. But even the brocade, trimmings, light cotton fabrics. Dyed, printed, which were made with starched clothes day. How those imagined by Alberta Ferretti and Luisa Beccaria. Haute couture for women who unconsciously brings to the courage, ambition, dedication of women who have contributed significantly to dream unit. Virginia Countess of Castiglione, Cristina Trivulzio of Belgaum, immortalized in bustier and transparency, long silk gloves, lace and embroidery, Mario Martone in his latest film 'We thought,' Elena Casati Sacchi, wife of Federico Confalonieri, Maria Teresa Serego Alighieri next to the ladies of the house Litta, Borromeo Visconti. Too often, the British designer Vivienne Westwood has said, through his spectacular outfits, the nineteenth century. Damask, taffeta, hoods. Grandeur and opulence. But
and 'especially in men's fashion that the spirit and unity 'yet. A constant in the collections of historic house made in Italy. The tails of Pignatelli, jackets damask, brocade vest. The elegance and style inspired by Costantino Nigra, philologist, poet, diplomat, a senator of the Kingdom, in a collection signed Litrico. And next to the tuba, the hat-shaped cylinder, the pin stops ties, button covers, silver cufflinks, spat on his shoes like the 800, branded Cesare Paciotti, immortal scarves, shawls, clutch the wrist, sleeves (remember Anna Karenina?). But the jewels and bags signed by patriotic princess Lucia Odescalchi (enamel red, turquoise and white), by Cristina Rotondaro by Pino (rubies, emeralds and diamonds for earrings and rings), the pair of Inzillo by Michael Calabresi Marconi driving 'Saddlers Union'. the historical brand of leather in the capital for the celebrations of 2011 raises the ITA Miki, lined inside with ventricular tissue. Nationalism''and the love for Italy is something we carry inside - confessed Michael Marconi - Feelings deep impregnable secrets. Never ostentatious, as our accessories.'' (PHOTOS)
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