Amato, Italy needs its new "fine"

Nicoletta Tamberlich
ROMA - Il Risorgimento, Garibaldi, Cavour, Giuseppe Verdi, disembarking on the Internet, mobile phones and iPad. Rai Launches Video Portal the fact that through movies, web TV and interactive games will make 'better understand the history of Italians Unita' d 'Italy. The official baptism today in the presence of Giuliano Amato, former 'President the board and more 'times minister, and chairman of the Board of Trustees to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Giovanni Minoli, coordinator of the structure that will take care' of programming at the commemoration and Peter Gaffney, Chief Executive Officer and Director Rai Rai Net New media.
Italy today for''Amato needs of the 'new Mille', indeed even more '. The President of the Board of Trustees speaking on the sidelines of the press conference for the presentation of web-focused Promoted by 'technical mission of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the RAI for 150 years, was inspired by the song that will make 'soundtrack for events related Rai to 150 years and lead through the web, a song titled 'The new thousand' written by Luca Riello Giuliano Sangiorgi Negramaro. According to the former President of the Council''that Italy needs someone to go into the future. Today is' a continuous circle in this, and more 'us more laps and' find it ugly. There 's need someone who starts from fourth to stay in Italy but ...''. The same opinion Minoli, who said:''E 'key - just in a situation like' complicated for the country - find out who are the new Mille, who accompany us in a kind of official ride into the future.''
The care and quality 'content is the foundation of the activities' Media 150 Rai. ''In Italy -Gaffney said today - are 33.4 million people who have access to the network.'' Bring the Risorgimento on the web and on mobile devices and 'important - Amato said - just to know the history of Italy to the young. E - added - only the new media can reach many people, especially young people, who are more and more 'interested in the Risorgimento' cause finally understand that those who made 1000 Italy were guys like them.'' The video portal and 'already online. contains a web TV which broadcasts in more than 200 streaming videos on the history of Italy from 1861 to present with particular attention to the years of the Risorgimento and dozens of biographies on the main protagonists of the textual history of Italy; thematic dossier. On the portal interaction between TV and the web is achieved thanks to specially designed format, including a revival of Time map that offers the possibility 'to navigate in the history of Italy from 1815 to 1871 annually. As they flow time change the country's borders that is forming, and successive events that lead to unity. There are also games and quizzes aimed at users of all ages'. These include one dedicated to Garibaldi (a multimedia quiz with questions about the shipment of one thousand). Finally, many applications for all mobile platforms. The first app will be 'released for iPhone and iPad. From this it 's possible to access a menu with a selection of video-on the portal; biographies of the characters that made the industry of Italy. Among them also the biography of the Countess of Castiglione 'femme fatale' of the Risorgimento. (ANSA)
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