four cities 'Italian people an energy plan approved by the EU, 28 cities' have adopted best practices, and 24 are in 'pending' for delays. Rome and 'at-risk and Milan remains unchanged. This, in short, the picture that emerges from 'Shared Climate 2011', Legambiente monitoring plans and best practices of the Italian government, presented at 'M'illumino less', the day dedicated to saving energy.
''There is a 'federalism' sustainable that is emerging in Italy - says Andrea Poggio, Vice Director of Legambiente - and 'the' movement 'of the 600 municipalities that have acceded to the Covenant of Mayors, cities' who want to First to become sustainable.'' Those who adhere to the Covenant undertakes to prepare a plan for the 20% cut in emissions of greenhouse gases, the 'increase of 20% renewables, and an increase of 20% efficiency.
Among the cities' that have signed the pact - Legambiente said -''Genoa only (the first), Turin, Maranello Avigliana and the Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy.'' There are also city 'which, while signing the Covenant, they were not done anything: to lead this ranking, Milan. Among the 24 laggards, temporarily suspended by the EU Commission, there are Abano Terme, Arzignano, Brentwood, Campiglia Berici, Casola di Napoli, Cremona, Rossano. While Rome and 'at risk suspension deadline, reports Legambiente. In general, increase good practice: for example, in Salerno the doorstep collection of waste, the Agency CasaClima of Bolzano, which is responsible for energy certification of buildings, the company USL of Rimini for the improvement of the sustainability 'of four hospitals, the town 100% renewable Sluderno. According to Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, president of Legambiente,''the Covenant of Mayors and 'also a practical tool against climate change''that''should be fought mainly in urban areas.'' (ANSA)
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