We take inspiration from an article published last week in the Journal of the South to plot position on the issue of cement ours was beautiful village! The following article appeared in the newspaper.
Continue unstoppable race to the concrete. More and more cramped spaces free as you continue to build throughout the city. The center, already congested, it becomes increasingly untenable, because cement has now taken over everywhere. For example, in Corso Matteotti would have thought, given the objective difficulty of finding a parking space, the lack of which has serious repercussions on the movement to build a parking lot, instead of issuing building permits to build palaces, four or five floors, a on the other. In the curve of the "hemp", where once they found themselves the pattes, during their evening walks, to enjoy the spectacle offered by the clear waters of the Gulf of Patti and the Aeolian Islands, has built a sort of Berlin Wall "which were deleted in one go, good taste and memories. Later, in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Homes and Rasoli Russo the settlements built on site or not there are more. Unfortunately, the list is very long and, most importantly, no longer defends the green and the environment. It builds on a June Due in Piazza XXV Aprile, in the area of \u200b\u200bSanto Spirito, in Kennedy and in the district of Paradiso, and in many other places too. By the way, do not always think to achieve at the same time, the seats for cars, green areas, spaces for children, essential services and can not be built, especially roads, to rid the city center from the chaos automobile and, therefore, smog "It 's an impossible situation - many complain pattes -. clearances, practically, there are not more but also the impact environment is visible to everyone. "We face, therefore, for urban expansion without brakes" that - add-makes it increasingly untenable in our country, which could become a pile of messy cement. ***************************
We had raised the objection at that time to some administrators and citizens of return, there had been answered: we are not forcing the hand, is the plan that provides for urban development. Now we do not know if this is true or not, the fact is that our town has always bisfrattato and raped by inoculated a public management, is now one step closer to collapse. There is no longer a constructive logic, there is a serious building code is being built, however, always, everywhere and in all ways. Hence rise buildings, isolated stretches of concrete with the most varied colors, the most extreme forms, without respect of green spaces, provision of plazas, gardens, public areas. There is an Environmental Action Plan to implement the principles laid down to the local Agenda 21, also have been issued building permits galore inflating the housing market. The result of all of this is that now we find ourselves with a pile of concrete scattered throughout the city without there being its application. Moral? The companies are in trouble because (you want the general economic situation, want to over-supply), not to those who sell the houses, the area was very devastated and quality of life in urban areas has been further compromised.
thank everyone: administrators, citizens, politicians and businesses.
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