This time the public statement of my interview out today in the Journal of Sicily.
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"In the town of Patti, there is no longer a constructive logic governing the urban structure with criteria of progressive environmental impact as well as aesthetic, now builds however, and in all ways. "This is the cry of alarm that is launched by the President of the environmental committee," Patti, living city, "Massimiliano Marinelli on the incredible building boom fire immediately after the approval of Prg, plan. "We have waited before taking action - said Mannelli - because of the ongoing judicial investigation, to verify the correctness of administrative permission. But today, in light of increasingly frequent disputes that arise daily between citizenship, the measure is really full. Now there is almost with impunity, to see buildings rise, with many different colors, the most extreme forms, without respect of green spaces, without a scheduled public squares, gardens and public areas. There is an Environmental Action Plan to implement the local reality the principles set out in Agenda 21, where in accordance with current European standards, must be safeguarded the principles of livability and environmental sustainability of urban areas. "Why Patti, yerificando is this?" Maybe they were granted, all at once, too many in fact that building permits have also inflated the real estate market. Time, and this is the most striking result, which we are now scattered with piles of concrete in the municipal area without there being a genuine demand for the proposal of the current supply of affordable housing. "Morale?" The companies are in difficulty, area was very devastated and quality of life in urban areas has been further compromised. Our concern - continued Mannelli - Is that this continuous process of urbanization creates discomfort because of the lack of services: sewers and collectors is insufficient, an energy consumption of water and electricity do not supportable by the current network, clogging the roads and cause problems with mobility, lack of green space quality ". What would be the remedies?" I call on governments and businesses to streamline the areas already affected, the reuse of abandoned ones, recovery and restoration of architectural styles, typically local, providing quality housing for the wealthy and the protection vulnerable social groups. We also request approval of a landscape plan that places emphasis on environmental values \u200b\u200bof the natural environment that affect the entire urban planning. "Example?" We need to ensure an honorable compromise between conservation and transformation that should be the privilege of a mature civilization, in order to develop the potential of a given municipality without changing the values \u200b\u200bof environmental and landscape territory. If this is true in general - concluded Mannelli - much more needs to be implemented nelcaso particular the town of Patti, looking right in the tourism sector's main role "
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