Carry an article in the Journal of the South today.
Serrata bars pattes to protest against the order of the mayor, Giuseppe Venuto, which placed a ban on all sales, administration and consumption of alcoholic beverages from 14 to 22 days of Carnival parades. So, yesterday afternoon, the public establishments that are located along the route of the procession have lowered their shutters. He had announced at the end of the meeting held Saturday afternoon with the municipal administration in an attempt to obtain the lifting of the trade union. At the firm refusal of the city government was so opposed to an equally strong position traders. The order issued by the Mayor was to ensure a peaceful and secure conduct of the festivities, trying to avoid any accidents or hazards that could be determined by the use of alcoholic beverages. But the mayor's decision has, however, lit the fires caused much discontent among both commercial operators and between citizens. The organizers of the protest showed "that, if within the limits of decency for Carnival some excess can be tolerated, that the joy of celebration of parades, fruit, too, not the usual libations, it may be, in a year already promises to be exciting no, seriously and permanently impaired and that the carnival parades are for the operators of many outlets located along the route, at a time certainly not thriving economically, very important opportunity to work.
This time we roll out a congratulations to the mayor. But then, once they are given is a sign of civilization and responsibility, the people, or if we are a class of the field, it reacts with the lock? So is it true that this country does not want to grow, it's true that order and discipline you prefer, dereliction, irresponsibility and the mere selfishness. It 's really absurd to think that a minority of merchants to influence the choices of a government, which in the past we have shown irresponsibility and carelessness. This time we have to recognize the municipal merits and honors. the past year and past shows and entertainment, resulting from the carnival parades, were added sadly unfortunate episodes of violence and unrest due to excess alcohol gobbled up by several participants in the parades. This year the Mayor Patti thought to prevent and ensure safety, prohibiting the resale of alcoholic beverages. In response, the managers and owners of public places, have seen fit to protest having closed the premises. Congratulations dear traders, you made a wise choice and intelligent. Closing your exercises have not cashed the ordinary nor extraordinary, nor even that could result from further attendance by non-residents attracted by the carnival event. Moreover, with the eclat of your act, you have publicly stated that there is a damn good order and public safety. Apparently a few hundred euro more in your receipts worth more than sobriety, and public safety in more than a few tens of euro was worth more than the physical integrity of citizens and foreign guests. This past year we have seen drunk people beating each other of holy right, and spectators have attempted to quell some drunken brawl, get some punch too. But this you do not care, most of 100-200 € in cash will change your life and finances will improve.
Congratulations, you have shown your act with civic sense and maturity of an entire .
doing so not only have not sold alcohol, but not ice cream, coffee drinks and other products of mass consumption.
In the end those who have lost and who has won?
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