The following is a statement we received from the coordination committee north of Rome against the antennas and electro. The comments are superfluous, the discomfort is enormous, especially in light of what's happening in Italy, where many have is to bring back nuclear power as an energy source at low cost!
Rome, January 5, 2008. Here's an art. of "Scientific American" about an American study, which identified 10 sites most polluted on earth. (Http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=worlds-top-10-most-polluted- places & page = 1) (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id = top-10-worlds-most-polluted-places & page = 2) In second place is Chernobyl (5.5 million people involved), and despite Superquark Piero Angela. And in the silence of "Le Scienze", the Italian edition of Scientific American. Visiting the website of "Scientific American" referred to the links provided above, you can see some disturbing images, including that of an orphan named Sasha. A victim of Chernobyl. In the list of "Dirty 30" is also Mayak, Russian nuclear site that has contaminated with the plutonium Techa river that runs through the Russian city of Muslyomova.
Coordination Committees Roma Nord.
Rome, January 5, 2008. Here's an art. of "Scientific American" about an American study, which identified 10 sites most polluted on earth. (Http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=worlds-top-10-most-polluted- places & page = 1) (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id = top-10-worlds-most-polluted-places & page = 2) In second place is Chernobyl (5.5 million people involved), and despite Superquark Piero Angela. And in the silence of "Le Scienze", the Italian edition of Scientific American. Visiting the website of "Scientific American" referred to the links provided above, you can see some disturbing images, including that of an orphan named Sasha. A victim of Chernobyl. In the list of "Dirty 30" is also Mayak, Russian nuclear site that has contaminated with the plutonium Techa river that runs through the Russian city of Muslyomova.
Coordination Committees Roma Nord.
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