The other day while waiting my turn to buy bread, my friend entertained people who were lined up by saying that if you were go to a vote at this time, Berlusconi would win hands down. As if Berlusconi has the recipe to bring the country back from the brink. I omit what I responded to that person, but I tell you one thing that should now belong to the public mind. The policy has failed and the facts of our day to prove it. The deployment of any parties have failed, who claims otherwise is a hypocrite. Our country is now in its fruit, let's face it rather well even the fruit is over. We await with resignation the end only the rest we have already touched and seen, in many different ways and in all colors.
Here I report a symptomatic passage taken directly from the site of Beppe Grillo. For you comments and due consideration.
Here I report a symptomatic passage taken directly from the site of Beppe Grillo. For you comments and due consideration.
Public debt, private profits
The Government is what it is. Throw a living, while we pull the bucket. But he does a good purpose, to restore the Italian economy. We become poorer and the results for a better future, one can not deny, are before our eyes. Our economy is like the bill to the restaurant, you always hope for others to pay. Every government relies on the government following the check and the bank eventually salta.L 'optimism about our economy, government is not shared by the Annual Report on the economic freedom of the Heritage Foundation . L ' Italy is at 64th place on 157 nations evaluated, and down four places compared to 2006. The Report addresses the UN for the freedom of trade, and tax for the financial system. Also evaluates the level of corruption and the state's market. That Italy is preceded by Botswana (36) or closely followed by Madagascar (65) is no longer news. He rather thought that almost all the economically freest nations are in Europe. Right where we are. Except us. The Guinea-Bissau (148) can be justified, are in Africa. Italy how can you justify? What is Europe for us. A spiritual place? One way for citizens to believe the first and third world? Economic freedom is linked to freedom of information. Without one, there is not another. It is no coincidence that here the economy is falling apart for nearly two decades and the information is impounded by business groups, almost all parasites of the state through concessions, and partiti.Tutto good. Our debt has arrived in October to new record of 1.6297 trillion € . A chasm, an Everest backwards. Our taxes are used to pay interest on the debt, not development. But do not worry, to have value is the ratio of debt to GDP. The same GDP as the Bank of Italy has declined growth for 2008 from 1.7% to 1%. Have a question until it can increase the public debt? What is the breaking point? And then, what will become of your savings?
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