About ecoballe. We place the following interesting article by John Valentine on The Republic of 14.01.2008.
"The great dance of ecoballe Giovanni Valentini."
is already remarkable that a political party represented in Parliament, local government and even the national government decides to buy an advertising page in a newspaper not to spread his ideas and garner votes, but to defend themselves against accusations that are addressed. They did it the other day, the Greens with a "notice pay" for the Republic, to clarify what their "guilt" or better on the waste that - as the text reads - "so dishonest and instrumental many try to download "on loro.È a self that deserves to be taken into account, at least by those who want to understand - beyond the political and media manipulation - who are the real perpetrators of this environmental disaster and civil starting with the contractors that have guided dall'Impregilo determined. Given that "14 years from the law gives the Commissioner all the powers and special powers for emergency waste in Campania, the Greens at eight points summarize what they have done in the meantime: 1) have asked several times to dissolve a "structure commissioner ineffective and inadequate" that among other things, he squandered two billion euro of taxpayers, 2) countered the "bankrupt" plan for the disposal of waste that has produced five million ecoballe, 3) have reported consistently around the underworld of criminality and the penetration of eco-mafias in trafficking of waste, 4) have proposed a model of modern waste management , in line with European Directives, 5) have contributed to start the collection in more than 150 municipalities in Campania, 6) supported the actualization of the landfill controlled and operated in the region, that of Serre, 7) have obtained the possibility of Commons that the Commissioner will not make the collection; 8) and finally, have helped stop the perverse mechanism of the so-called CIP6, over 30 billion euro stolen from the renewable energy and for some powerful lobby industriali.Le only "fault" that the Greens are willing to admit, then, are some that have said no to businessmen, Camorra and eco-mafia "and, second, that of saying "yes to recycling and the health of citizens." And who in good faith, if you do not want to give credit, it must at least acknowledge it. The party of the Sun that would be good for laughs, rather, to reflect on their image, credibility and the ability to communicate, to see if in some cases did not sin of extremism or ceilings, compromising the effectiveness of its initiatives. What, then, the names of the real culprits? The same leader of the Greens, Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, in an interview with our newspaper last Wednesday, has made an explicit: that of Cesare Romiti. And he called the "wretched of the contract to Fibe Impregilo, the engineering and construction company which Romiti has retained control of Fiat after the release until 2005 and the presidency until 2006, which produced 5 million tons of Cesare Romiti ecoballe.Il name does not appear for the truth in the request for indictment filed by prosecutors in Naples for the process that would be open today and that was referred to the strike of lawyers. But on the other hand there are those of his two sons, Pier Giorgio and Paul, respectively, as a managing director and commercial director of Impregilo Fisia Italimpianti controlled by the same group. Together with other 26 persons, among which the former governor of Campania, Antonio Bassolino, the defendants are "in competition with each other and with multiple enforcement actions of the same criminal intention" of various crimes such as fraud, fraud, breach of contracts , storage Illegal waste and abuse of office. In 45 pages of the ruling, issued after an investigation lasting five years, there is a precise reconstruction - the date by date, digit by digit - the "puzzle" that initiated an emergency Campania ten years now. And though many crimes are likely to fall into the prescription, this will still be the first process the waste at the companies and Public Administration, where even the WWF will commence a civil action. Paradoxically, in addition to the presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Civil Defence, in the long list of injured parties appear in the same region, all provinces and municipalities of Campania.A begin the great scandal of commissioner of the trash ordinance is June 12, 1998, which were held the tender for the management and disposal of waste. Following the award all'Impregilo and subsidiaries, the contracts are signed June 7, 2000 and September 5, 2001. Entail an obligation to build seven production facilities of RDF (refuse derived fuel) to build two incinerators and manage them in accordance with the requirements of the legislation settore.Ebbene, on charges of Naples prosecutors, the defendants have submitted projects depart from the bid documents or have carried out installations of departures from the approved projects, in violation of contractual obligations. The brothers' Impregilo Romiti and other companies have produced quality cdr different from that agreed with a lower calorific value and moisture content above 25%, but above all with values \u200b\u200bof lead, chromium, arsenic and chlorine well beyond the specified limits. The compost was not appropriate to be used for environmental restoration. In many circumstances the contractors "have rejected or substantially delayed the delivery of municipal solid waste by truck for collection companies, thus forcing the special commissioner and the mayors to have the packaging and transportation of garbage in other Italian regions or to 'abroad. Often the transportation and landfill management have been outsourced, with the risk to feed the Camorra infiltration. And finally, the great dance of ecoballe: pending receipt of the incinerators, was not made to recover energy from bales cdr.Quanto Commissioner Antonio Bassolino, the deputy subcommissario Giulio Raffaele Vanoli and face, their guilt is essentially the failure to prevent this to happen in the performance of their duties. In the decision of the judiciary, he cites an extensive list of orders with which public administrators have allowed the breach of contract and the practice of subcontracting. Or at least, have not challenged and denunciate.È for all these reasons that Raffaele Raimondi, president emeritus of the Supreme Court, acting as judge and president of the Legal Committee for the Defence of the Environment, has recently submitted an appeal against the European Court of Impregilo environmental disaster. The prosecution, as it did in the cases of Marghera and Severus, is an attempt on the health of citizens. And the offense is more serious than those established by the Public Prosecutor of Naples, exceeding even the risks of prescription and the terms of pardon. "