We are the sick man of Europe. Italy cradle of law, the country of Cesare Beccaria has become the land of Niccolo Ghedini, sees the Constitution to pieces in its basic tenets: the equality of citizens before the law, the right to free health protection and the environment. It's not all. The irreversible
sign of this crisis is not only in what appears macroscopically in an astounding head of government, the king of the conflict of interests, which systematically fail plurinquisito its processes: the democratic crisis is most dramatically revealed in the silences, the empty Information of the many sometimes immense lawlessness that are daily committed, and who find the official information complicit silence.
We also read in these days, but confined in the news hidden in the endless stream of suicide among redundant workers and entrepreneurs in need of crisis and its consequences are not discussed, because the economic crisis does not exist, there are terminations' s activities and relocation wild, not to endanger the environment that must otherwise remain positive about the government, as a spell, we toyed with naive children. Why this crisis would unveil its scope, the inconsistencies of the vacuum of government, the dramatic consequences for thousands of workers and families. The suicides are the manifestation of a society become increasingly fragile, people left to themselves and their despair in total solitude.
The news could not hide the immense damage caused by the discharge of thousands of tons of sewage in the Lambro and Po, of course, not neglecting to highlight the almost miraculous miraculous ability of Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200balso to cure this wound, but did not The report found no space, no less serious, the bill approved by the Government just twenty days ago in favor of polluters, through the downgrading of penalties for discharges of pollutants. I wonder if there has even been pre-emptive action to ease the burden of responsibility for offenders Lombard, but no newspaper (even among those close to the center) has provided this information.
I think that real democratic crisis requires a thorough review policy innanzituttto for the opposition, far too weak, if not totally ineffective, not only because Berlusconi is not born to overthrow, especially since it appears, even now, too trailer of a conception of political power as property, separate force, far from the sensibilities and expectations of his own electorate. The question
moral - in the whole of its variables: the individual malpractice, widespread corruption, collusion with the Mafia and Freemasonry - requires the mobilization of consciences and a clear rejection of any weakness, and yet but so far the response has been timid, almost awkward, as if "to disturb the handlers of power and economy," even undermined by illegal practices, it means damage to the orderly, so to speak, conduct a "natural" things, as can be interpreted only in this sense the embarrassed silence towards the involvement of Steno Marcegaglia, father of the President of Confindustria and an enterprise of his group, in an investigation into the laundering of illegal toxic waste? Even this is not a news?
Need a shot of dignity and autonomy, the courage to call things by their name, because the country will not change unless it makes a moral revolution, if the healthy forces, the people who work, do not become actors in a motion of real freedom of conscience.
Ours is a country now split, as if there were two companies: one part that always knows what to do, which defends its big or small privileges with tenacious perseverance, Italy for those who do not pay taxes, build up without building permit, that they almost always free. And the others because they struggled must fend for themselves and pull the cart, the fools!
The political system is all within the first part, though fortunately not entirely true, but we know in a few, anti-politics and indifference are the other side of the submission, the perception is that there is the strength for a real change, too many wires, too many bonds hold together the majority and the opposition in a single conception of power, this is the true sign of a "subtle pain" that sows distrust in the city.
How? Fortunately, not everything is stopped and the energies of a society still living are emerging: the great events of the viola, the tenacious Committees for the Constitution, the people of the yellow color and numerous foreign workers came to the fore, the trade unions (especially the CGIL and the basic ones), associations, networks, environmental activists, the advanced forces of the Catholic Church The intellectuals do not sleep in ... Italy is fortunately still the country of intelligence, of great passions indomitamente civilians who resist the abuses, the conformism and the rampant vulgarity.
From this part of society must be strong and spread from a vast and unified movement that knows how to show the way to the political forces of a profound renewal, beginning with the refusal of consociational practices, of half measures, the "ma-anchismo" we condemned to immobility.
should have confidence, but it is absolutely necessary not to let go because this right a bit 'desperate - as it appears in these days where many chickens are coming home to roost and, despite his forgetfulness, his crisis emerges across the unusual gravity - this right unconstitutional may hold some surprises. So first of all democratic oversight.
sign of this crisis is not only in what appears macroscopically in an astounding head of government, the king of the conflict of interests, which systematically fail plurinquisito its processes: the democratic crisis is most dramatically revealed in the silences, the empty Information of the many sometimes immense lawlessness that are daily committed, and who find the official information complicit silence.
We also read in these days, but confined in the news hidden in the endless stream of suicide among redundant workers and entrepreneurs in need of crisis and its consequences are not discussed, because the economic crisis does not exist, there are terminations' s activities and relocation wild, not to endanger the environment that must otherwise remain positive about the government, as a spell, we toyed with naive children. Why this crisis would unveil its scope, the inconsistencies of the vacuum of government, the dramatic consequences for thousands of workers and families. The suicides are the manifestation of a society become increasingly fragile, people left to themselves and their despair in total solitude.
The news could not hide the immense damage caused by the discharge of thousands of tons of sewage in the Lambro and Po, of course, not neglecting to highlight the almost miraculous miraculous ability of Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200balso to cure this wound, but did not The report found no space, no less serious, the bill approved by the Government just twenty days ago in favor of polluters, through the downgrading of penalties for discharges of pollutants. I wonder if there has even been pre-emptive action to ease the burden of responsibility for offenders Lombard, but no newspaper (even among those close to the center) has provided this information.
I think that real democratic crisis requires a thorough review policy innanzituttto for the opposition, far too weak, if not totally ineffective, not only because Berlusconi is not born to overthrow, especially since it appears, even now, too trailer of a conception of political power as property, separate force, far from the sensibilities and expectations of his own electorate. The question
moral - in the whole of its variables: the individual malpractice, widespread corruption, collusion with the Mafia and Freemasonry - requires the mobilization of consciences and a clear rejection of any weakness, and yet but so far the response has been timid, almost awkward, as if "to disturb the handlers of power and economy," even undermined by illegal practices, it means damage to the orderly, so to speak, conduct a "natural" things, as can be interpreted only in this sense the embarrassed silence towards the involvement of Steno Marcegaglia, father of the President of Confindustria and an enterprise of his group, in an investigation into the laundering of illegal toxic waste? Even this is not a news?
Need a shot of dignity and autonomy, the courage to call things by their name, because the country will not change unless it makes a moral revolution, if the healthy forces, the people who work, do not become actors in a motion of real freedom of conscience.
Ours is a country now split, as if there were two companies: one part that always knows what to do, which defends its big or small privileges with tenacious perseverance, Italy for those who do not pay taxes, build up without building permit, that they almost always free. And the others because they struggled must fend for themselves and pull the cart, the fools!
The political system is all within the first part, though fortunately not entirely true, but we know in a few, anti-politics and indifference are the other side of the submission, the perception is that there is the strength for a real change, too many wires, too many bonds hold together the majority and the opposition in a single conception of power, this is the true sign of a "subtle pain" that sows distrust in the city.
How? Fortunately, not everything is stopped and the energies of a society still living are emerging: the great events of the viola, the tenacious Committees for the Constitution, the people of the yellow color and numerous foreign workers came to the fore, the trade unions (especially the CGIL and the basic ones), associations, networks, environmental activists, the advanced forces of the Catholic Church The intellectuals do not sleep in ... Italy is fortunately still the country of intelligence, of great passions indomitamente civilians who resist the abuses, the conformism and the rampant vulgarity.
From this part of society must be strong and spread from a vast and unified movement that knows how to show the way to the political forces of a profound renewal, beginning with the refusal of consociational practices, of half measures, the "ma-anchismo" we condemned to immobility.
should have confidence, but it is absolutely necessary not to let go because this right a bit 'desperate - as it appears in these days where many chickens are coming home to roost and, despite his forgetfulness, his crisis emerges across the unusual gravity - this right unconstitutional may hold some surprises. So first of all democratic oversight.
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