issued a press release that I submitted a joint signature with the highest representatives of the provincial Greens:
The Provincial Federation Green Messina Consumers Association expresses its solidarity with the Sicilians and its chairman Nicholas Calabria, for the battle of legality and public awareness of the institutions towards respect for the laws and rights.
always at the forefront of battles for the rights and legality, the Green Party stigmatizing behavior of the mayor of the City of Patti continues to adopt attitudes that misunderstandings begin to taxpayers, given the fact that: on the one hand places the trust in favor of the Board dell'ATO2 Messina, from ' another attempt to ride the taxpayers' protest placing itself in the role of conciliator.
The Provincial Federation of the Greens received with great pleasure the news of the interest in each of the Prefect, dr. Francis Aleck, placing full confidence in your work. We hope, indeed we are sure, that the Prefect of Messina will, as a representative of the state, laying the foundations to ensure, in quick times, to a final resolution the age-old problem of unfair bills on waste.
Massimo Mannelli National Council of Verdi
Calogero Barone President of the circle of green Patti
Andrea Carbone Provincial President of the Greens
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