Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can A Cell Phone Headset Match With Ps3

Gags the regions for nuclear

GetPublished interesting and yet alarming Salvatore Giannella .
all reflect on the future.

Farewell to renewable resources: all the money will go there. Turnover giant to which municipalities and provinces in the throat with water will not give up even if the "denuclearization"
may have taken a false step, Tuesday 10 February, the center-right government which is filled each day with words of federalism and popular sovereignty and then launches a nuclear decree centralized, vague and against the majority of the Italian people, including the "people of VAT", which is the basis of his electoral success. It is a decree that:
put a gag in which the regions will be imposed on the nuclear sites;
silent on the names of regions designed to accommodate sites and radioactive waste for centuries, for fear of seeing adversely affected the results of regional elections. Legitimate fear, as the Italians, not only with the 1987 referendum, but later, were opposed to nuclear power and the fact that our country does not agree at any point because it is an old technology, bad for the environment and health and unsustainable from an economic standpoint. This is why Greenpeace has opened a petition. In just three days, 12 thousand citizens have already signed up to ask their candidates to stand against regional nuclear site
says nothing about how many units are planned with much energy c ' is to be expected and at what cost. Italy, warns a statement from Greenpeace, use the figures presented in press conferences that Enel is information on what the French manufacturer has to tender: UAE team led by France's Areva EPR reactors gave 4 as on our horizon at a cost of 6.5 billion euro while in Italy one propaganda is about 4 billion;
flying over the security systems linked to central (on this particular item in the security agencies of three countries, including France , have publicly declared unsafe system of emergency last October EPR).
It is a decree that in the absence of a plan with figures and not propagandists, may increase the sense of motivation of the majority of Italians. Of that other Italy, instead, often in a total media silence (as opposed to media hype pro-atom) said yes to the change in the energy sector by investing in line with other industrialized countries such as Germany, resources and intelligence to savings and greater energy efficiency and to renewable sources of energy. The novelty of 2009 was the impressive jump in the growth of renewable energy systems installed in Italy. There are 5,991 municipalities where at least one plant is in operation, 3190 was a year earlier, in 2008; in practice that from clean sources or 1998 interested in the hydroelectric geothermal heating and a limited portion of the Italian territory, are now present in 79% of the towns. Good news coming from the fourth edition of the report "Renewable Towns 2009" Legambiente, which processes the data obtained through a questionnaire addressed to the municipalities, crossing his answers with studies and reports of GSE, Enea, Fiper, Anev well as regions , Local Government and aziende.La growth affects all sources: solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, small hydro-electric, geothermal, biomass plants to be possibly linked to district heating networks.
The beautiful country, in short, is full of replicable good practices that show the recipe for a cleaner future, sustainable, "capable of saving money to the families and governments that are able to invest in innovation, "says the report Legambiente edited by Edward Zanchini Head of Energy," significantly increasing the levels of comfort and quality of life. "
These communities are shaping a new model of distributed generation that change profoundly the way we look at energy and the relationship with the territory.
is Italy where they operate, day after day, many administrators and professionals, many craftsmen and technicians, many small and medium enterprises as those that I met last year and who parade in exhibitions like the recent "Made in Milan and CasaClima Bolzano: many Italians dealing with design, manage, build, test in the emerging "green economy" (one of the few areas that is seeing growth in revenues and employees, almost all of the "people to VAT" which generally center-right vote). They have had and will have an extraordinarily important role in the evolution of energy saving and renewable energy sources.
Without public awareness, on the one hand inertia, misinformation and the usual business will continue to dominate the choices and decisions in the corridors of power that will focus on the vagueness of the plan to impose a nuclear country that the majority do not wants.
the other hand, without an incentive that rewards the experience of the virtuous community, the results of the work of these administrators and experts, scientists and professionals who have focused energies on the right, was below the potential. For this is to be hoped that each of us can find the time to send a "good" to those involved, thanks to the energy cleaner to breathe in the air as good citizens and to save them on your bill. It would be nice that there are signs on the agenda to go to find these virtuous community, from the town of Varese Ligure pioneer all'aostana La Thuile, blocking of Municipalities in South Tyrol (Dobbiaco and Sterzing, Brunico and Prad on top) to the Tuscan village of Scansano and down in Salento Lecce and its capital, increasingly characterized by an embroidery of stones and energy. The names of all these sites are virtuous community or . It is worth going to recharge your batteries in the city dedicated to sustainable energy and intelligence resources. Enjoy your trip!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chefmate Mini Refrigerator Bc 87 H Dimensions

incinerators: Here are the names of voters

incinerators. One vote 'Treviso' one of the Regional Flavio Silvestrin
Atalmi makes public the names are made public by the Adviser

PDCI Atalmi Nicholas who, in
Regional Council, voted in favor of the incinerator designed

by Unindustria in Silea and
Mogliano. The only vote of a
Treviso was the regional councilor
UDC Flavio Silvetrin. The others are all arrived

by people who live in other provinces. As the assessor
environment Count (PDL) - and
knew - and of the directors of the PDL
Padua: Godfrey, Bertipaglia
and Ruffato. In addition, please also
Venetian Laroni
(now the Socialist Demichelis
associated with the PDL), and the other counselor
Padua UDC
Frasson. Finally, even the favorable
Zigiotti Verona and Belluno
Bond, both of PDL. Yesterday

Council vote on an identical amendment, but
on nuclear power. In the League, this time, voted with the PDL
2 and 4
abstained. ■ MC

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Short Can Tongue Barbell Be

reply Dr. Marta Bizzotto the Director ARPAV Dragon

Dear Sir,
explain to me how did he become Director ARPAV when issuing such statements on the need for incinerators.
Maybe he realized that the people of Veneto is not gullible, people or ox, as he thought ... we are many to follow daily developments in the situational and I assure you that we are well aware, but ignorant. And that gives her trouble. Above all, we move
compact, finally aware that we can have a weight in decisions from now on will be adopted for incineration and hopefully in other fields.
I graduated in Economics and the Environment in 1998 and I always worry about the implications of the pollutants on health, especially children who are affected in a particular way and how it might change the quality of life by simply changing our habits. Surcharges in recent months I have been well documented for incineration, and there are compelling studies related to the close connection between disease and nanoparticles. Especially that the new generation of incinerators that burn at high temperatures to prevent the production of dioxin, lead inevitbilmente the production of PM 2.5 and PM 1 and as well you know are much more dangerous than PM10.
She has assessed the environmental costs of these plants? It 's easy to accuse us of hysteria ... as she says:
"The presence of incinerators is in fact lived with hysteria by the Venetians, the only ones who see them as dangerous and not as a resource." Here
forgive me but we are only too aware that the waste is a resource for this not to be burned.
Imagine if I can give up at the prospect of building incinerators ranging against all logic and biological ethics, the only explanation I can give is that of profit.
not believe that his statements are contrary to the role it plays? I understand that you should refrain from doing certain circumstances, it makes me think he has some personal interest, if not economic, in supporting a technology that has now turned to other countries exceeded. Its task would be quite different, and incineration should be the last resort, and a residual after trying all the possible ways to reduce waste and raise awareness on the mountain that is essential and a priority to change their abitiudini and push production to another direction more compatible with the environment. Not to mention the more technical aspects: I think you also know that the incineration will produce, in addition to smoke, even a significant quantity of highly toxic ash and sewage.
"It 's absurd, it's time to put an end to unreasonable fears, also the result of political games. Incinerators are over controlled machines"
If anything, the political games they are doing you ...
controls on emissions of fumes if not mistaken are not daily, but annual, we know that are burned in incinerators designed different categories of waste and therefore emissions are difficult to control. Not to mention the leaks dioxin contaminated milk that is high in the vicinity of incinerators in Italy. Other than food miles to zero.
But those who think they have to do?
We know that the Po valley is one of the sites pù polluted in the world regarding the situation of the air: I think this is already an indication that we can not support a system that instead of moving toward clean energy, is so determined to make the interests of certain lobbies to the detriment of our health and future generations.
"we are one of the most advanced regions of Europe, GDP for the product"
The new way to measure well-being from a few years is not using the GDP that is not a good indicator other aspects. Have you ever heard of carbon footprint? Indeed from a decline in GDP in some ways you can have an improvement in air quality (less than truck driven ..) I think
know that assessments should take into account the negative externalities, which by virtue of be readily converted into cash can hardly be underestimated.
I just think that would be better to resign.
"goes haywire when an incinerator is a mess," but for whom? For you that in recent years has pursued a far-sighted vision on the environment as it should have done? To hear the emergency you are: you're right! How long does it take to build an incinerator? Would not it be better to use that time to sensitize the public about industrial priorities and change their habits? Do not you think you might be a new business and jobs also by recycling? And maybe take us out before the economic crisis from which we could go much more reinforced and competitive? If I'm not mistaken there are also eco-labels, certification and ISO14000 LCA (Life Cycle Assessment - with which sees itself as a product life-cycle with regard to externalities). Why has not focused on this successful strategy in recent years and instead it was decided to divert the 7% to improperly bill enel incinerators? Would could divert that money to truly clean energy.
prevention and environmental protection is not just what you can expect from her. It'll keep this in the future. Yours sincerely Dr Marta
