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Setti Marino writes to me ......
"Gianluca Hello I read your book and saw all the videos you've posted, I think you did a fantastic job is to create the staff that your indicators. I am enthusiastic to try it! !"
Roberto Cimarosti writes to me .. ...
"Hello Gianluca,
'm reading your book, but you are still only half do compliments already.
I was lucky enough to first read the" Treaty of Trading volumes "AL, so now I can say from my experience that although not highly detailed can be compared to yours.
Apart from the confusion that has left me with the "Treaty of trading volume " AL, I can say that you have the gift of four words, and that is you are much more immediate and you make yourself understood with 4 words.
Your pentegramma is exceptional, the PVP represented with a line that follows the plot is ingenious and easy to read, as well as the lines of the standard deviations.
are only 9 months I have been and are still trading demo, think that the baptism of the real I will with your own staff. "***************************************
Germano writes to me:
" - greedily I read your book and I intend to read it again with more time in order to better assimilate. It is certainly more interesting than the text I have ever read in recent times. Were you able to melt some doubts about the effectiveness of the peaks of the Market Profile and Volume Profile, advised that in the broader context of the Pentagram Stock Exchange. I also appreciated the clarity with which makes it understandable to the subject matter. Congratulations! - "
E. .. .. I wrote:
"I received your email,
thank you again for all the information you make available, will certainly be useful. You have really done a
certainly professional, but accessible while dealing with complex issues.
again congratulations. "
Giambattista me ...... scirve
Dear Dr. . Gianluca, I found in my inbox your last "effort" because I believe your efforts made in research and dissemination of the "new perspective" Graphical analysis of the volumes for the commitment that it requires itself was and is considerable, as is considerable effort needed to overcome resistance among both professionals and other "theorists" are ready to belittle what they "should not recognize or understand."
If I am not mistaken the date as early as 1903, Charles Dow wrote that "the cause of the ruin of many Wall Street traders had their attachment to their opinions. "
I take this opportunity to send you these few lines to my
the magnitude of your work, for your hard work and at the same time, thank you for sharing and keep sharing your knowledge with others who may follow you only because I realize that it is difficult, if not rare for someone to bring to the attention of new points of view that might be, if properly understood, more profitable and less erratic in actual trading.
Thank you very much.
Fabrizio Di Giambattista
Teramo (Italy)
************************************* ****
Daniel wrote to me .........
"Hello Gianluca,
I still have a lot to learn from your indicators but they are very satisfied, the more they use them and" look "and more work I can get a view of what happens in various stages of the market, but mainly I'm understanding (finally) what it means to manage the risk / reward. See you soon!
Daniele "
**************************** *************
Enzo writes to me ..............
"Hello, I'm
still under study and by chance I found your site, I saw some videos and I have to sincerely say they have discovered and clarified some aspects in particular the interpretation of the volumes.
Diego writes to me .............
"Hello Gianluca,
after reading the book and seeing all your videos, I congratulate you for your work, you have given me new ideas for study I tried for some time. "
Caesar writes me ........
"Dear Gianluca,
I confess that when I received the book, I read it all in one breath and in the end it was because I was excited to propio I needed to develop my trading.
volumes, their interpretation, the pressure on the book and the statistical approach that you describe in the book are all things that I needed, but I'd never been able to focus without a good job as what you've done. "
"Thomas V. writes to me ........
My name is Thomas and I applied for his book long ago, now I read it and say it's one of the most interesting books that I 'happened to read; soppratutto for his technique of operation. I want to know which platforms
kindly use to operate, how to get the indicators say that I will start to operate in its own way. Waiting for his reply With best wishes.
Thomas V. and I congratulate for his book. "******************************************
" Pino C. write to me ......
Hello Gianluca. How are you? I hope everything ok
I finished your book. As promised, soon I will send you an email containing all my detailed comments, but for now let me say that you're able to really open myself brain! All the techniques you described are really interesting and innovative! Again congratulations!
Talk to you soon ... ;) "
" B. write to me .....
I agree with you that most of the topics discussed are not recent, so it can be considered intellectual property of anyone, least of whom ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
addition to what I've seen so far, your treatment is more original, thorough and extensive than that published in other Italian sites. In
staff plots or even the creativity with which you have calculated the "standard deviation of the VWAP. "*******************************
" N. wrote ....
Hello, I had the opportunity and the chance to read the book, and I must say that I was very impressed. I learned important concepts explanations are very clear and I decided to start a path based on the volumes to read the market, from a fantastic book that lays the foundations for my change. Sincere congratulations!
N. "
" C. writes on indicators fee ....
The work is called such because it paid
tool is really useful (I read the book several times) and it is the truth of the market. Only by asking the perspective of institutional
we will be able to save us that little slice of profit.
C. "
" Luciano wrote .... Hello Gianluca
Today I devoured the first 60 pages of your book ... Important content in a perfect shape ... I'll give you my warmest congratulations ... See you soon. Luciano
" Bewoulf said ...
I visited the blog and followed closely and I must say that your videos are very interesting and I would have liked the book even in the classical form. To you my deepest sympathy goes to an event that Kafka would be simplistic to define. "
" GIO said .....
The book is written very clearly and simply, the aspect that struck me most was the interpretation of the price in light of the number of volumes (and not based on time spent on the price, which fin d ' today I used to naively regarded as equivalent) Then the part inherent to the staff and the standard deviations applied all'opreatività straordinariamnete is really something revolutionary, at least personally, never heard before .. Congratulations! "
" very ... .. very well done, and explains well the concepts ... I arrived only on page 43 ... is a book to read ... and reread ... I would be interested in buying forefingers also programmed by you ... for good after I read the whole book ... to see virtually the concepts described in the book ..... FINRA and a beautiful course where you can expose the vivvo tomorrow and no doubt also
video courses would be the best
greetings N. "
" Gianluca Buongiorno,
I can not help but write you though arrived only on page 40 of the book. I must say that it is not an easy book but very well explained, but it is truly amazing, especially when I read a page. 41 the explanation with the example of the Force Volume Oscillator.
E 'disarming ease with which they could have executed those transactions just by looking at a difference!
Congratulations on this your studio!
continued during the first reading of the book.
Thanks again for making it public. Once done you again.
R. "
" Gianluca .... the interest .... is entirely deserved .......... bravo!! Hello
L. "
" Good evening, I got to give a first reading of his work and I think really interesting.
I have always considered the analysis of volumes of primary importance, being, as she believes that they can not only be enough signs referring to prices but also everything that can be interpreted market developments, the volumes are certainly an aspect that may indicate a significant depth of an instrument. Unfortunately I am not an expert on
trading platforms due to my very low ability to use various scripting languages. For some time I'm trying to learn using ProRealTime mode but not in real time, so even if I could ever create me its interesting indicators, right now I only use them as back-testing.
would be useful to find out how to replicate his insights but then again, I'm quite capable.
Returning to his studio, I feel I can say that if sometimes difficult for us "inexperienced" I find seasoned a considerable amount of graphic examples that are hardly found in other publications. It 'obvious that it is not simply spend some time with their concepts and facts with personal experience who has never used such techniques, but I can tell you that the concepts seem to go very easily.
Thanks again for your willingness and compliments.
G. "
" Hi Gianluca
have given a first reading book and I renew my congratulations ... of course I have to reread at least another two to three times as I usually do. Thanks
E. "
" Hello
I read your book and I also watched the video of the blog, for me and the outstanding work you've done, I will make
word of mouth.
A. "
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Flow Volume - How to read the input and output volumes from the market
from Gianluca Salvatori
on Vimeo .
Today, the model of the volume profile is regarded almost as a unique tool analysis of the volumes. Indeed, this logic and this type of representation, with new software rather than with the flow and powerful real-time data very accurately, in my personal opinion is an outdated model, past, dated and its usefulness is limited in part to identify some support and resistance and nothing more, the same way as support and resistance barchart.
The reason for this belief is simple ........ Steydlemayer in 1983 to create the histogram representation just because at the time was the only one that would allow him to identify the deduction to "value zone" and particular point of greater value, or the volume and peak volume. This is because if you do not have of technical means to identify the intraday volume (there were no quotes telematics in 1983), the only way that you can use is that of deduction, or if the price goes above certain levels over and over again, but undoubtedly the trading I can not know, but I can only be inferred indirectly. If in fact step over certain prices and quantities at each stage N exchange (not known), I can deduce that the more step above those prices, and many more quantities / volumes I traded at those prices, and thus the only way I can identify (with technology era) the areas of Value / Volume.
Today, however, this logic, even if applied to volumes with the most modern and precise Volume Profile, given the analytical tools available, is outdated.
The direction toward which I think we have to move is that of the dominant dynamic of the market or the analysis of the flow volume of the market.
areas of volume, both peak volumes or other, are areas / areas that fill and empty volume as a function of market dynamics that constantly change the logic and assumptions.
macro data, news, corporate earnings, etc. .... etc. ..... create the pressures and dynamics in the market that change continuously in the balance and perspective, allowing the creation and mobilization of positions of short / medium / long period. These positions do not remain open indefinitely, and indeed often are retirement / empty volume very quickly, sometimes even the same day. Especially in recent months with the advent of so-called "machines" or High Frequency Traders who have transformed the market in a place where prevailing logic of speculative short to very short term and no longer the place where prevailing investment. So how can I trust a zone / area to volume we can not know the dynamics that created and sustains it, especially if this dynamic evolution of short?
Why in some cases these areas will support or reject the prices and other times they are holes, as if nothing had passed without even stopping for a moment, even if they are areas created recently (yesterday or even the same day)?
The answer I believe lies in the fact that the method of observation of the market according to the logic of the volume profile histogram, a method is obsolete, dated, old, a way out of alignment with the times, a mode that represents the past and that today makes it impossible to analyze the flow volumes entering and exiting the market following the current logic / dynamics of itself.
E 'to be compared to the same league as the analysis done on candles / bars than the daily intraday bars, provided they show us the price dynamics within of the day, while the first day we only provide a framework for static and not very significant that leaves room for a few ideas of reflective analysis, if not quite logical to overcome the power of technology and analysis available today.
Be honest ...... how many of you now have to analyze intraday charts "only" bars a day?
So I wonder if I ........... we translate this logic to the Volume Profile, because it analyzed only the volume profile of the entire session and not create a single volume of intraday profile in 60min or 15min or less ? The basic logic is the same price that differentiates analysis carried out on daily bar rather than intraday bars ..........
The reason I believe is that we analyze the dynamics of the volumes with the wrong tool, a tool that could now be passed correctly and very clever indeed in 1983 when prices were not available, data transmission, but now .......... Today is definitely outdated and useful only to identify potential levels of support and / or resistance, the same way as support / resistance barchart.
Below and in video is an example of recent days .......... Question: Why
areas of volume and in some cases the same volume peaks are easily pierced with the first step ? Why reaching the area of \u200b\u200bvolume, the market does not stop and sometimes penetrates well beyond the zone of volume ? If you do not stop immediately, then .......... where do I consider support / resistance, above - or below half the area of \u200b\u200bvolume?
Notice how prices pierce the purple lines with arrows leading to the purple base of support or resistance of the roof of the volume, which showed that levels are virtually never heard.
(click on image to enlarge x)

The correct logic and much more modern and timely is the flow of the volumes that follow the dominant dynamics of the evolving market. MACRO
News, news, corporate earnings, etc. ........ shift the balance ? So here is that the volumes entering and exiting the market, causing price movements, filling or emptying the market with volumes in or out in an attempt to accommodate and adjust to new balances and new perspectives.
So my suggestion is to not stop and analyze the volumes along the route that has been covered initially, because I think that is a way outdated, outdated and certainly not in line with the new dynamics of the market. The way in my opinion lies in thinking outside of those patterns "classics" that unfortunately affect us today and we limit, showing a single location or one already taken by others and it was old. I'm not saying to reinvent the wheel, but that simply is not written anywhere that the right way to analyze the volumes, given the technology available today, is that cross all that often ............ just because someone said to "all" that this is the way ahead and behind us all, let me say (absolutely no offense in what I'll put me in even half as I did I even for months / years )..... .......... as "goats"!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
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a full day on the computer, but too much the desire to do two turns, tap out for a ride.

Friday, July 16, 2010
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